|Chapter 14| Rityu vs Gray / Caleb vs Reiki

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***triggering theme: abusive relationships

Note: changed Rizu to Risu! It sounded too close to Rityu haha I'm so original

Note 2: I know at the beginning of the book I said Nashi and Lucy shared keys but I'm now a firm believer that Nashi shouldn't have keys since she relies heavily on her dragon slaying magic. Technically this is the "first draft" so things are bound to change throughout the course of books. So Lucy has all of the keys.

Anyways. Those are the two minor changes!
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"You won't believe who has entered the fray, Gray," Rityu laughed.

Gray could care less. His attacks weren't hurting Rityu, demon slaying magic was only a bee sting to him. Worst part of it was, since this version of Rityu was a spirit, he could appear and disappear at will. Gray was running out of ideas.

So he started talking, instead.

"Where's my son?" Gray asked, lowly and almost timidly.

Rityu smiled, "even I don't know."

There was a gust of chilly wind. Gray scoffed. "You don't know?"

The demon facepalmed, "oh, I can't keep a straight face with you, Gray! He's fighting the pink haired girl!"

Gray's eyes widened. He's fighting Nashi?!

He began to sprint out of the area to help her. There was no way that Nashi could battle Storm. Not in the mental state they both were in, he was afraid to think about what could happen.

Honestly, he was hoping that Nashi would win, but with Rityu controlling Storm... There was no way to tell for sure.

While Gray was running, he felt a hard substance on his wrist. His feet flipped from underneath him and he landed on his back. Next thing he knew, there was bone on both of his wrists, keeping him from moving. The bone wrapped around both his wrists and ankles and came from deep in the ground. He was pinned.

"What the-!"

"I can't let you interfere," Rityu exclaimed, "I have to let them battle it out."

Gray struggled against the bone. They were dampeners for both curse and magic, there was no way he could get through them.

The demon laughed as he always does before slamming his knee against Gray's chest, "I can't believe, with as smart as you all are, that Fairy Tail has yet to figure us out."

Gray's dark eyes were filled with hatred, "what are you talking about?"

"Us neo demons. What are we here for? Who were made for?"

"It doesn't matter, dumbass," Gray retorted, "we have to beat you if we want to protect our kids." He couldn't say that he's never had the thought. Still, it didn't matter to him. All that mattered was protecting their children. His family, his entire family, was the thing he valued most. He wasn't going to give up now.

He would die if it meant keeping them safe.

Gray remembered why he was still standing. He wasn't doing it to torture himself, going through the same pain over and over again. He was doing it because he took a silent vow to protect the rest of his family.

. . .

"I know what you went through."

Luna shook her head. He had no idea.

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