|Chapter 15| Rosemary's Dilemma

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This feels corny to me I'm sorry enjoy anyways bye

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When Rosemary made it to a side of the island that didn't have any battles near, she took a deep breath. She was going to need it.

She muttered lowly, "this is for dad and your friends."

Then, the thoughts of Kazi and Caleb went through her head. This spell was supposed to get rid of demons, but she wasn't sure if she could spare anyone. And that frightened her. 

The thick jacket she had on felt like a million pounds. She took it off and placed it on the ground before walking closer to the frozen ocean. She closed her eyes and swallowed. The chilly wind pierced her sleeved shirt. The clouds slowly came overhead, signifying a storm was coming. She felt the loose hairs from her braid tickle her ears and neck, but she ignored it.

Another deep breath.

With her eyes still closed, she whispered, "element of air..."

A sharp wind.

"Element of water..."

A crack in the ice.

"Element of earth..."

A small shake beneath her.

"Element of fire..."

A burning on the top of her head.

"I ask of you-" she opened her eyes. She felt her father's magic mixing with hers through her legs, torso, and arms. "Constellations of the East, assist me."

Her last words choked in her throat. She noticed tears run down her face as she realized she needed this to work.

But on the same token, she'd hurt her friends.

She felt the wind whip her around to face back to the forest, but the forest was not what she saw. In fact, she wasn't even in the same location as before.

Her braid came undone, she realized. She seemed to be floating in what looked like space, with stars and planets around her. She gasped.

Four powerful beings were staring right at her. She had to gape at them, because they were so much more powerful and intimidating than she had imagined or researched.

Farthest to the left was the constellation named Heart of the Dragon quadrant. He stood with golden robes and bright red hair and eyes, almost like her own.

Second was Stomach of the Tiger quadrant. She had rose gold casual clothing, which matched her shoulder length hair and eyes. She also held a slight smile to her face, almost like she wanted to be there. She wasn't nearly as intimidating as Heart.

The third constellation was called the Demon of the Scarlet Bird quadrant. She had her black hair in a high pony tail, of which reached her feet. Her brown eyes almost burned into Rosemary's, she was the scariest.

Rosemary wasn't even expecting her to be there, not for this.

But the last constellation was Danger of the Tortoise quadrant. Despite the name, his blue eyes and loose clothing was calming to Rosemary. His yellow hair hung slightly over his eyes. His aura definitely was the strongest of the four, but that didn't scare Rosemary for whatever reason.

Heart spoke first, "what do you want?"

"Okay, woah," Stomach cut in, "she's like, 12, can we just appreciate the fact she got us here in the first place?"

Demon rolled her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose, "does that matter?"

"I'm not going to argue with you today," Stomach replied, crossing her arms, "I'm just saying that it's impressive."

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