|Chapter 5| Iron

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What is this called? It's so... bright and dark... distinct?

. . .

"Go back to sleep, Gale."

Gale shook his head, and then jumped out of his sleeping bag, "Something's wrong." He whispered.

Reiki had his eyes barely opened, obviously not ready to deal with anything yet. He asked quietly, "how do you know?"

"I smell it," Gale answered hastily.

"Of course you do."

Gale hurried and got his boots and jacket on, careful not to wake up Rin or Caleb.

Well, if Caleb was still asleep, "I'm coming with you," he said as he jerked awake. He wasn't sure why he said that so rushingly. He got a feeling, same as Gale, that aomrthing was wrong.

"Okay, fine," Gale said with surprisingly no protest, "but we need to hurry."

Caleb nodded as he snapped his fingers and boots and a coat appeared on him, "Reiki, don't wake Rin up."

Reiki just rolled his eyes, "you two are unbelievable." He laid face down into his pillow, only wanting sleep.

. . . . .

The girls knew something was wrong as soon as they arrived back to their tent.

"Where's Sylvia?" Rosemary asked as she peeked inside the tent. Her voice was shakey, why did she leave on her own?

"Oh no," Nova breathed. "She must've heard us talking about finding Storm..."

Nashi sniffed the air, hoping to find some type of clue. She smelt something faint, like a metal.

"Nova, do you smell it?" She asked, turning her head towards the blonde, who was looking back into the line of trees. She was trying to look for any kind of footprint or tracks. But Sylvia's got covered up by their own.

She shook her head, "smelling is not one of my stronger senses. What is it?"

Nashi tilted her head up and sniffed the air, "like... I don't know... metal?"

Rosemary chirped, "maybe Gale can help? He can smell metals pretty well, can't he?"

The girls turned their heads to another voice, "yeah, I can." It was Gale's voice. Caleb was next to him, holding their lantern.

Nova's heart skipped a beat as she jumped, "holy-"

"No time to talk, we have to find Sylvia," Caleb said, holding up his light, "Gale says that it smells like iron, and iron isn't really common in the middle of the woods."

"So, that can only mean one thing," Gale held up a finger, his eyebrows were furrowed. The girls waited for him to continue with his statement.


"So that means Sylvia's going to die or what?" Nashi asked in a hurry. "We need to hurry then, I mean-"

"No," Rosemary shook her head, "we can't go. The twin... it has to be the boys. Plus, we can't be sure its Sylvia."

When she mentioned the twin, Caleb took a quick inhale and startled himself. He took a step backward.

Nashi looked appalled, "I will not be threatened by that-"

Nova grabbed her shoulder, "Rose is right, Nashi. He seemed pretty adamant about us going past him. And if he's the demon that Caleb was talking about..."

Caleb let out a hard breath, "damn it- we might be too late, we have to leave now."

"Okay just-" Gale turned to the three girls, "if anyone else wakes up, just tell them the truth. We don't want to risk getting in more trouble than we're going to."

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