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"What's up, Ellanators?" My best friend Ella said to her camera. I stayed in the back, just slightly out of frame while she videotaped her introduction.

"Today I am here with my partner-in-crime Josie, who you guys have seen in a few of my past videos! We are in Australia for the next two weeks, and we are super excited to be here!" She says, I smile and take in my surroundings. From our spot that we were at, you could see the Sydney opera house, which was even more fascinating to look at in person.

"Oh my god, wait, Josie!" Ella suddenly says, her voice high and excited.

"What?" I question, and I see she is staring at a group of guys doing a similar intro type thing with their camera propped on a ledge of sorts.

"It's TFIL!" She whispers, but it wasn't very subtle because instantly the guys turned around. I looked away and shook my head, laughing slightly.

"Way to be subtle, Ella," I say, but she is too excited to hear me. The boys walk over with their camera, and Ella could hardly contain her excitement.

"I'm so sorry, didn't mean to interrupt your intro!" She says, her voice quick and high-pitched.

"No worries! It's nice to meet you," one guy says.

"I'm Ella, I have the YouTube channel EJVlogs, and this is my friend Josie," she says, putting me on the spot unexpectedly. I smile and wave, and run a hand through my hair.

"I'm Elton, and this is Corey, Sam, and Colby," Elton says, and I nod.

"Nice to meet you guys," I say, and pull my sleeves down to cover my hands a bit.

"You too. What brings you guys to Australia?" Elton asks. Corey had his eyes trained somewhere else, Sam was focusing on Ella, and Colby's eyes wandered from Ella and I then to Corey.

"Bro, what you looking for?" Colby asks suddenly, interrupting Ella as she was about to answer.

"What? Nothing, just pissed they lost my luggage," he says, kicking a toe in the ground.

"That's unfortunate," I say, Colby nods in agreement.

"Anyway, as I was saying," Ella glares at me, and I give her a confused look considering I didn't even interrupt her in the first place, "we are here visiting my cousins, and Josie's stepmom lives here as well."

"Oh, cool," Elton says, then Sam pipes up.

"Where are you guys from?" He asks, and she happily answers, her energy simmered down.

"Los Angeles area, close to the Santa Monica pier," she says, and they all look at each other.

"Really? We are from there too! We will have to hang out sometime," Sam says, and Colby nods, looking at me. I raise my brows and shrug, and he imitates me, then we focus back on the group.

"Definitely," She says, and then pulls out her phone to check the time, "oh Josie, we gotta meet your dad in thirty," she says, and I check the time and raise my brows.

"Shit, I forgot. Um, we should probably go, sorry," I say to the boys, and they shake their heads.

"It's no problem. You guys have a fun vacation, yeah?" Elton says, and Ella nods.

"You too! Wait, can I get your guys numbers? That way we can organize something when we all get back," she says, and they all nod. Elton and Ella exchange phones, and then Colby snatches my phone out of my hand and replaces it with his. I look at him confused yet smiling, and put my number in his phone. He does the same and we trade back, pocketing our devices. When Ella goes to Colby to get his number, he shakes his head.

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