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Colby's POV

Tonight I wanted to treat Josie. I had to show her how much I loved her. I packed my XPLR backpack with Dr.Pepper from when Brennen and I pranked Sam for his birthday, as well as some bags of chips, then walked upstairs to my room where I knew Josie was editing a video. I opened the door and saw her sitting cross legged on my bed, her headphones in her ears, dancing to whatever she was listening to. I laughed and she looked up, startled.

"Oh my god, Colby, you scared me," she says, placing a hand over her heart. Her smile was wide though, and made my heart melt.

"You busy?" I ask, smirking at her.

"What do you mean by busy," she asks, raising an eyebrow.

"You want to join me for an adventure?" I ask, and she jumps a bit, excited.

"Yes! Let me just change into leggings," she says, and gets out of bed. I realize she is wearing my sweatpants that were a size too small, and smiled. She pulled out a pair of leggings from the closet then shooed me out of the room. She changed quickly, and when she came out I noticed she had also braided her hair, which was one of my favorite styles on her. She had soft baby hairs framing her face, and the braid reached mid back. She was so beautiful.

"Ready?" I ask, smiling at my girl.

"Yes," she says, and leads the way down to my car. She gets in the passenger side and I hand her the XPLR backpack before going to the drivers side. She started to unzip it, but I stopped her.

"no no, Josie," I say, and she frowns.

"Why?" She asks, and I smile.

"Wait and see!" I say, and start taking a back way to the surprise place. She watched the scenery, and I smiled at her. I pulled into a pullout in the road, and opened the door for her. I took the backpack and slung it over my shoulder, and soon she recognized where we were. I started walking down the trail, and then I heard her sniff behind me.

"The beach?" She questions quietly, and I nod. I reach my hand towards her and she takes it, gingerly stepping down the trail. When we reached the beach she slipped off her vans and socks and put them by the trailhead. We walked to the middle of the small beach and I opened the backpack, taking out a small blanket for us to sit on as well as the Dr.Peppers and the chip bags.

"Oh my god Colby, this is actually perfect," she says, taking a seat on the blanket and opening a chip bag. She laid back and smiled, her head towards the sky, her smile wide.

Josie POV

Who knew that a couple bags of chips and Dr.Peppers could make you feel so much love for someone? I don't know, but my love for Colby just skyrocketed. Really its the small things that truly count.

"God, I love you," I say for the first time in months. I look over and smile at him, and he was absolutely glowing. I leaned over and placed a kiss on his lips, and he placed his hand around my neck gently. We pulled apart, and I scooted over so I was closer to him. This was where I belonged, here with my boy, on our special beach.


And with that being said, I have found my little light despite all the darkness surrounding my life.


Josephine Sutton ❤️

A/N so, I may or may not be considering a sequel for this? I had so much fun writing this story (wrote it in two and a half weeks!) and I keep thinking "I should make a sequel but I'm not sure", so let me know your opinions on that!

LINK TO SEQUEL "A Light in the Dark" https://my.w.tt/MazixBs5XT

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