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When we get to the house, Katrina pulls me upstairs to a random room.

"Dev!" She says, pushing open the door.

"Hey, Kat. Oh, hi! I'm Devyn," a pretty brunette says, and I smile.

"I'm Josie," I say, and she smiles wide.

"Nice to meet you!" She says happily.

"Colby says she needs to be cheered up, which reminds me, why do you need to be cheered up?" She asks.

"Well..." I proceed to tell her the whole story, which left my eyes watering again.

"Good thing you blocked him. Now, we are going to have a girls night, 'Kay?" Devyn says, and Kat smiles excitedly.

"Yes yes!" She says, and they drag me into the bathroom.

"Okay, I am going to do your makeup, and you are going to tell us all about yourself," she says, pulling out piles of products.

"Why? Where are we going?" I ask, and Kat and Devyn look at each other and smile.

"Well, we are hosting a party tonight. Well, Elton is," Devyn explains as she begins my makeup.

"Oh," I say, and she nods.

"Anyway, we will ask the questions, you give answers.

"Okay, shoot," I say, and Kat asks the first question.

"Where were you born?"

"Australia, my dad still lives there with my stepmom," I say, and both of their eyes widen.

"You do not sound Australian at all," Devyn comments, and I sigh.

"Yeah, I lost the accent when I moved here with my mom," I explain.

"How old are you?" Devyn asks, applying foundation.

"Nineteen," I say, then smirk, "How old are you guys?"

"I'm 19," Kat says.

"I'm 22," Devyn says, finishing the foundation. She moves on to brows while Kat asks another question.

"How did you meet Ella?" She asks.

"I met her when I moved here when I was ten. We have been best friends since," I say, even thought the term 'best friends' didn't feel right anymore.

"How on earth did you meet the boys?" Devyn asks, and I laugh a little.

"When Ella and I were in Australia. We happened to be there at the same time as the boys, and Ella kind of went insane when she saw them," I said laughing.

"I bet. With her being a YouTuber she probably knows practically everyone," Devyn comments, applying eyeshadow.

"Probably. So, who is going to be at this party anyway?" I question, and Kat furrows her brows in thought.

"I honestly have no clue. I don't think its a big party," Kat says, and Devyn nods.

"It isn't super big at all. It's like a very large get together," Devyn says, and I nod slightly.

"I'm not a big party person," I say, as Devyn applies the finishing touch and steps back to admire your work.

"Just hang out near us," Kat says smiling, and nods in approval at Devyns work.

"I think I did a pretty darn good job," Dev says, handing me a hand-mirror. My lashes looked longer than usual, and the eyeliner made my eyes look slightly bigger. The shadow was light, but beautiful.

"Wow, Dev! Thank you," I say, tilting my head to the side to admire myself from side view.

"Of course! Now to find a super cute outfit for you to wear," she says, and Kat grabs her keys.

"I'll drive to your apartment," Kat says, and I nod. Before we leave though, Kat and Devyn put together their outfits. Then, we all walked out to Kat's car. Just as we were about to leave, we are stopped by Sam.

"Kat, where are you going?" He asks.

"Josie's house. We are going to get ready for the party as a group without you crazies running around," she says smirking.

"Alright," Sam says, and walks away. We finally left the house without any more distractions and I directed Kat to Ella and I's shared apartment. I put my key in my door and am welcomed by a sleeping Ella on the couch.

"Ells, you want to go to a party?" I say, shaking her gently.

"Mmmm," she groans, and hugs a pillow closer to her chest. I push her again with a little more force, and she finally opens her eyes to look at me.

"Party at Elton's tonight. Wanna get ready with Dev, Kat, and I?" I ask again,

"Ok, let me get dressed. Devyn, can you do my makeup?" She grumbles, getting off the couch.

"Sure, be ready in ten," she says, and Ella nods, walking over to her room. The rest of us went into my room, and Kat and Devyn sat on my bed while I looked through my clothes.

"What look are you going for?" Kat asked as I rummaged through stacks of jeans.

"I don't know," I say, and my eyes land on a pair of white jeans that had rips and tears up and down the legs. I chucked them out at the girls and began looking for a top. I found a maroon sleeveless top, as well as a black halter bralet. I threw those out at the girls and grabbed my usual pair of black vans.

"You approve?" I ask when I face the girls.

"Put it on," they said, and I sigh and change in my connecting bathroom. When I come out, they nod happily in approval.

"Go for it. It's very you," Devyn says, and I smile at her.

"Thank you," I say. She was right, I normally wouldn't wear something like this but it was cute and comfortable, and I still felt like me while wearing it.

"Okay, we are going to change now, how about you check in on Ella?" Kat suggests, and I nod. When I get to Ella's room, she is curling her hair already. She dressed in a super form-fitting dress that hit mid-thigh, and paired it with a pair of heels.

"Well, you look nice," I say, leaning against the doorframe.

"Well, I want to look good for Colby. Maybe he will want to talk to me tonight," she says smirking, and then Kat and Devyn came in. Devyn had a dress and heels on as well, but not nearly as fancy as Ella's. Kat had on a similar outfit to me, only she had a super cute cropped tee on.

"I heard from the hall you want to talk to Colby?" Devyn says, sitting down next to Ella to start her makeup.

"Yeah," Ella says, her eyes looking dreamy. Kat and I give each other a look and wait patiently for Devyn to be done. After thirty minutes, we were all ready, and Kat texted Sam that we were all set to go.

"Let's go, ladies!" Kat says excitedly, as we all pile in her car and head to the party.

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