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I woke up the next morning and stretched, feeling kind of bad. As I stood up, nausea set in and I lay back in my bed.

"Shit," I mumble, and yell for Ella. She comes in and almost falls into the wall.

"Hey, you good? You do not look good," she says, and steps closer to me.

"Text Colby for me, and tell him I can't hang with him," I groan, and roll over, trying to stop the headache that was pounding.

"Okay," she says, and sends him a message. She waits for a response, which comes quickly.

"He asked if you were okay," she says, and I turn my head.

"What did you say to him?" I ask, and she reads aloud her message.

"Hey, sorry I can't hang out today, not feeling great," she reads aloud, and looks at me.

"Um, just say I think I have a bug, and that I should feel better by tomorrow," I say, and she types a response. She gets an immediate reply, and reads his message aloud to me.

"Aw, you want me to come over? We can do a Netflix marathon instead :)," she reads aloud, and I smile to myself.

"Yeah," I say, and pull the blankets over my head. I hear her place my phone back on my bedside table and leave the room. About twenty minutes later, I hear a knock. I hear it open, and I hear the conversation.

"Hey, Ella. Is Jo in her room?" I hear Colby ask.

"Yeah," she says, and I hear footsteps coming to the door and then it opens.

"Hey, Josie," I hear him say, and I feel him sit on my bed next to me. I pull the covers off my face and look at him.

"Hey, Colbs," I say, patting the space next to me. He sits down and I lay my head on his chest. He opens the laptop he brought and logs into Netflix. I watch him scroll through shows and movies until I find AHS.

"Stop," I say, and point to AHS.

"Yes," he whispers, and I laugh as he starts the show. I had been meaning to watch it, and now felt like the perfect time.


One Week Later

I was hanging at the trap house today. Colby ran out to go to the grocery, so I stayed with Kat, Sam, Corey, Devyn, and Aaron. We were all chilling on the couch. I was on my phone scrolling through instagram, Kat and Sam were looking through photos together, and Corey and Aaron were playing Fortnite.

"Dude, go! Get him!" Corey yells, and I laugh to myself. The door then opens, and Colby walks into the room with four Safeway bags.

"Whatcha got, colbs?" I ask, jumping up and strolling into the kitchen.

"Lots Of snacks," he says, giving me a hug. I help him put the snacks away, and when we were done he looks at me.

"I think we should announce it on social media now," he says smiling, and I pause, but nod and smile back.

"Okay. how do you plan on doing it?" I ask, poking him in the chest.

"Let's have Corey or someone take some pictures of us in the backyard," he says, and I nod in agreement. We go out to the living room again and I decide to ask Kat.

"Kat, can you take some photos of Col and I?" I ask, and she nods happily.

"What for?" She asks, her hand on the banister.

"We want to make ourselves social media official," Colby explains, and she drops her mouth.

"Finally! Let me get a camera, I'll meet y'all in the backyard," she says, and runs upstairs. We go into the yard, and Kat comes down within literal seconds.

"Okay okay okay, go!" She says, Colby starts by giving me a full on hug, even lifting me up off the ground a bit. He then lowers me and gives me a kiss on my cheek, while I probably had the biggest smile in the century plastered on my face. We took photos for at least ten minutes, then Kat ran upstairs to download them.

"I'm nervous though, what if the fans don't like that we are together?" I ask, knitting my brows together.

"Screw the fans. I'm just happy you are my girl," he says, giving me another kiss on my forehead.

"Check your emails!" Kat hollers from the stairs, and sure enough there were at least a hundred photos.

"Wow," I say, and select a few of my favorites. We go to Instagram and put our favorites into a post. I captioned mine 'the rumors are true 💕😍' and Colby captioned his 'so lucky to have her be mine 🖤'. We post them at the same time, and let the likes and comments flow. I checked my phone about an hour later and smile, a majority of the fans were super supportive! I also gained a ton more followers, now that they knew that I was the mystery girl that Colby had posted about the day we went to Santa Monica pier. I looked at Colby and smiled, and he leaned down to whisper in my ear.

"I knew they would like you," he whispers, and I smile.

"I love you," I whisper back, and realize that was the first time I had actually said that to him. He flushes a light red and kisses my temple, whispering back,

"I love you too."

All The Little Lights // c.bHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin