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I can't believe I said yes to Colby. I said yes to Colby Brock. I said yes to ...

"Josie, you good?" I hear Ella say, taking me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, I am good," I say, sitting cross cross applesauce on my bed with my laptop.

"I can't believe you guys are official!" Ella says, jumping on my bed. I have to grab my laptop to prevent it from falling.

"I know, I can't believe it either," I say, and smile to myself. I honestly can't believe it, I am happy I said yes but I had these nagging thoughts that made me hesitant to do anything. My phone vibrates next to me, and Ella quickly grabs it before I could.

"Girl What the hell?" I ask, and she smirks before handing me my phone.

"It's your mans," she says, and I open the message.

Colby💕 - hey, Sam wants to play some crazy game, you want to join?

Me - I guess? What's the game?

Colby💕 - midnight man, you heard of it?

Me - Yeahhhh I've watched people play it actually 😬

Colby💕 - wow fr? Are they still alive?

Me - lol yes they are. I'll be over soon I wanna get coffee first

Colby💕 - Okay, see you soon :)

"I'm going to Colby's for the night, you okay here?" I tell her, and her mouth drops open.

"You talk to him for ten minutes and don't tell me what your doing?" She says in mocked shock.

"Yep. Text me if you need anything," I say, and leave for Starbucks.


I let myself in to the trap house at around 10:00pm, and listen for any voices to tell me where they were. I heard talking coming from the living room, and sure enough there was Colby, Sam, Kat, and someone else I didn't know.

"Jo!" Colby says, and I go to the couch and sit next to him, laying my head on his shoulder.

"What, you aren't going to introduce me?" The other dude asks, and I laugh lightly.

"Sorry, Brennen. This is Josie, my girlfriend," he says, and I smile at Brennen.

"You broke up with me?" He complains, his voice dripping in sarcasm. I decide to go along with it, and I looked at Colby, offended.

"You didn't tell me about your other mans!" I say, and Brennen speaks again.

"Really, Colby? You didn't tell her about us?" He says, and pretends to wipe away a tear.

"Haha you guys are soooo funny," Colby says, and I laugh.

"Okay, now that we got the gang here, I am going to explain the rules. Only Josie and I know the rules, I think," Sam says. I nod to clarify, and Sam begins to read off the rules. After he had explained them to the camera and we had messed around for a while, it was already 11:45.

"Okay, everyone write your full name on the paper, then prick your finger with the thumbtack," Sam says. I write my name down, and without hesitation prick my finger and press the blood onto the page.

"Damn, Jo," Colby comments. I smile and shrug, and place my paper down by Sam's door. One by one everyone else does as well.

"Okay, before we continue let's go turn off all the lights," Sam says, and as a group we walk all around the house, making sure all the lights were off before we went back up to Sam's room.

All The Little Lights // c.bWhere stories live. Discover now