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I woke up in Colby's bed, with my head resting easily on his shoulder. His laptop was on the side table, and he was in the process of getting a picture of me.

"No! You look cute!" He says, and my eyes flash open wide.

"Colby!" I yell, and cover the lense with my hand.

"Babe," He says, and I pull the blanket over me, covering my face.

"Noooo," I say, drawing it out.

"Fineeee," He says, and I pull the blankets halfway down my face and he snaps a photo, which he instantly puts on his Instagram story.

"I don't like you very much right now," I say, and he shrugs.

"But you love me," he says, and I smile.

"That I do," I say.

We lay in bed for a while until Jake comes knocking on the door.

"I wanna film something," he asks, poking his head inside.

"Uh, Okay," Colby says, and gets out of bed. I follow, and knot my hair up so I looked semi-presentable.

"While you guys do that, I am finally going to re-dye my hair," I say, and Colby gets all excited.

"Yes!" Colby says, and I give him a look.

"You are more excited than I am," I say, and he laughs.

"What can I say, I love the red hair," he says, and I smile.

"So do I. You know, Ella was the first one to dye my hair red. We bought dye and she dyed it and filmed it years ago," I say smiling, remembering that night. I had to get it fixed at the salon the next day, but that was okay.

"That's awesome," he says, then Jake grabs his hand and drags him to his room, "you have fun!" He hollers.

"Ha, You too!" I say, and remember I don't really have my car right now, "wait Colbs!" I call, and he pokes his head out of Jake's door.

"Yeah?" He asks.

"Can I borrow your car? Mines still at the apartment," I say, and he nods. I grab his keys and walk out, getting in and driving to the salon. When I arrived, my usual stylist dropped her jaw.

"Let me guess, you want the red back?" She asks, and I nod knowingly.

"You bet," I say, and she motions me over. She washes it thoroughly and applies the dye. When it was done, I felt like myself once more.

"Ah, thank you so much," I say, and run my hands through it.

"Of course, darling!" She says. I start to pay but she declines.

"Don't worry about it today," she says winking, and I smile.

"Thank you so much, I really appreciate it," I say, but leave her a tip at her desk. I drive back to the house, and pull up to the weirdest scene. Underneath someone's car tire was a pile of mini rubber chickens. Jake was practically on the ground videotaping while someone drove the car over the chickens.

"Aw, come on!" I heard the driver say, and knew instantly that it was Colby driving.

"Go over them again, faster," Jake says, and this time there was a noise that sounded from the pile of chickens.

"What the hell did I just arrive to," I say, and Colby gets out of the car.

"Jake ordered a shit ton of chickens and we are experimenting with them," he says, and follows Jake back inside the house. I follow, and they go to the kitchen.

"Your hair looks amazing," Colby whispers, and I smile and hug him, handing him his keys in the process. We then watch Jake tuck the chicken underneath a paper towel in the microwave and set it for one minute. Colby and I dart around and hide behind the counter.

"What are you guys doing?" Jake asks, and Colby speaks up.

"It's gonna blow," Colby says, and I throw my hands up.

"I'm not about to be around here when it explodes," I say, and run upstairs to upload the video I had filmed. While it uploaded, I took a picture of it and posted it on my Snapchat story. It finally uploaded and I closed my computer. I smiled, I just uploaded my first video! I then decide to clean up a bit, and grab the empty pizza box and paper towels and carry them out to the garbage. I throw them away as someone drives by, and they slow.

"Hey, Your Josie, right?" A girl asks from the passenger side.

"Yeah," I say smiling, and she smiles wide. She jumps out of the car and walks over, and I give her a hug.

"Why are you over here?" She questions. I figured she didn't really know this was the boys house, so I thought hard for an excuse.

"Taking a walk, I found a pizza box on the side of the road and figured I would toss it," I say smiling, and she smiles, thank god.

"Mom, can you get a picture of us? If that's okay," she whispers the second part to me, and I nod. Her mom gets out of the car with her phone and gets a photo of us. Thank god for the plain green shrub behind us, you would never know where the photo was taken. As soon as they had left and were out of sight, I run inside and into the house as fast as I could. I had never had a fan encounter like that before, and was thankful it was only one fan rather than multiple. When I walk back inside Jake is done with his video, and Colby is digging around in the kitchen.

"Anything good?" I ask, surprising him.

"Oreos," he mumbles, and finally produces a thing of them. He opens them and places them on the table. I grab one and take a bite. Oreos were one of my favorites.

"These are technically Sam's but it's okay," Colby comments as Sam walks into the kitchen.

"What?" He says, and I grab a bunch and make a run for it, as does Colby.

"Hey, get back here!" I hear Sam yell, and I laugh as I run into Dev's room. Devyn looks up surprised, and I put a finger to my lips as I run into the connecting bathroom. I lock the door and wait, hearing the door open and Sam starts talking.

"Did Josie run in here?" I hear him ask. Please say no, Devyn.

"No, haven't seen her," she says, and I hear her start typing on her computer.

"Why is the bathroom light on?" He asks, and I hear his footsteps coming towards the door.

"I wouldn't go there, Corey is in there," Devyn says, and I then get a text from her.

Dev - u owe me one of those

Me - fine

I try to stop breathing, and freeze when Sam speaks.

"Corey? You in there?" He asks, and I swallow.

"Yeah, man," I say in my best imitation of Corey. Unfortunately, it didn't work.

"JOSIE!" He yells, and starts banging on the door. I quickly get one of the Oreos and a tissue and wrap the Oreo in the tissue, placing it in Devyn's drawer.

"Fine, Fine!" I say, and quickly send a text to Devyn letting her know about the Oreo. Not a great spot to hide it, but she did lie for me so whatever. I unlock the door, and throw the cookies at Sam, sprinting out of the room.

"I'm so gonna get you!" Sam yells and I laugh.

"Bet you didn't find Colby though!" I holler, and I hear him groan.

"God dang It!" He says, and I run into Colby's room while he runs downstairs.

All The Little Lights // c.bWhere stories live. Discover now