Chapter 3 - Closing

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Glenn left work that night after the 8 o'clock rush, leaving Wayne to work with Jason and a few other girls on staff. After the last round of the night was over, the girls started cleaning concession while Wayne went to clean the bathrooms and gather the trash. As he left the concession stand, one of the girls went to unplug the butter machine, but Jason had stopped her. "Leave that on, I'll get to it later." He'd said to her with a kind smile.

            Now cleaning the bathrooms, Wayne is alone with his thoughts. He sprays the mirrors with glass cleaner and begins wiping them down methodically. He literally couldn't help but look at himself.

            What does Glenn have that I don't? Why do I have to come second?

            His reflections scowls.

            Why can't I be his favorite? His heart stutters with a sudden sadness he doesn't expect. He shakes his head, dismissing the negative thoughts.

ȹ        ȹ        ȹ

            Wayne ties the last bag of trash after the latest movie lets out and tosses it into the blue bin. The girls were sent home after concession was cleaned, leaving Wayne to close the building with Jason. Wayne hadn't seen Jason in nearly two hours though; he must've still been upset and was avoiding him. With his lips pressed into a thin line, Wayne wheels out the trash to the dumpster.

            When he returns to stow the bin in the back of the hallway, the lights of the hallway shut off, casting Wayne in darkness. The lobby lights are still on and he quickens his pace towards the darkened concession stand.

            The lobby lights shut off too before he makes it. Now the only light sources are the two fridges in the concession stand.

            "Uh, Jason?" Wayne calls. Goosebumps rise on his exposed skin when he enters the concession stand and sees something odd: one of the folding tables is set up in the walkway, blocking access to the nearest soda fountain and register.

            Wayne jumps at the sound of Jason's voice just a step behind him. "Get on the table." His pulse races as he turns to face Jason. "What?"

            "I didn't stutter." Like earlier, his voice is eerily calm. Wayne tries to hide his nervous excitement as he takes a seat on the table, but he's sure his trembling hands gives him away.

            Once he's perching on the edge of the table, Jason leans back against the counter in front of Wayne, arms crossed over his chest. "Your hat and shirt. Remove them." His expression is blank as he gives the order.

            Silently, Wayne obeys and drops the items on the table beside him. Jason raises an eyebrow, his jaw clenching. "What do you say." The annoyance is clear in his voice and the question sounds more like a statement.

            Wayne gulps. "Yes, Daddy."

            One side of Jason's lips turn up slightly. "Good boy." He pushes himself off the counter and stand in front of Wayne, almost close enough for Wayne's knees to touch his thighs. Jason puts a hand on Wayne's chest, pushing him lightly. "Lie down."

            Wayne pulls his legs up onto the table, careful not to accidentally kick Jason, and lies down slowly. He winces as the cold plastic meets his bare skin.

            Jason turns his back towards Wayne, moving to stand in front of the butter machine, which is still on. He looks over his shoulder with a devious glint in his eye. "Remember when I said you'd pay later?"

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