Chapter 13 - Wet

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Wayne was in fact not familiar with flogging. He told Jason without hesitation that he was, lying to his face. The moment he left the office and was out of Jason's line of sight, he pulled out his phone and did a quick Google search. What he found wasn't at all what he was expecting, but he had a feeling he would need to use his safe word tonight. What would Jason even use for a flogger? Did he bring one with him to work?

    Wayne methodically works through his shift without putting much thought into his actions. His mind kept wandering to the odd leather device that would now show up in his search history. He wondered if he would start getting ads for it.

    The night comes to an end much too quickly, to Wayne's dismay. His coworkers trickle out of the building until he and Jason are the only two left. Jason steps out of the office with his shirt slung over his shoulder, locking the door behind him. His gaze sweeps up and down Wayne, his lips pulled into a grim line.

    "I expect you to be dressed appropriately when I get back." Jason brushes past him and disappears into the mop closet, the door slamming shut behind him.

    Wayne peels off his clothes until he's down to his boxers. He stands just outside of concession waiting for Jason. He hears the water hose turn on and he's tempted to peek in the mop closet to see what Jason's up to, but he doesn't want to make him upset again, so he stays put.

    Jason leaves the closet with two mops in hand but without the handles, one dripping with water and the other dry. He brushes past Wayne again, dropping the two mop heads onto the counter, the wet one landing with a slapping sound.

    When Jason sees the odd expression on Wayne's face, he smirks. "Not sure which would work better, so I brought options. Don't worry, these are new mop heads. Now, hold onto the doorframe and don't move." He motions for Wayne to turn and face the hallway.

    "Why do I have to hold the frame?"

    "For the pain."

    Wayne gulps and licks his dry lips. He stands in the doorway, gripping the frame. He tries not to tense at the sound of Jason's approaching footsteps. The skin of his back only stings a little when the dry mop head smacks him.

    "Hm." Jason sounds disappointed and Wayne looks over his shoulder. "That was anticlimactic. What do you think?"

    "It wasn't that bad at all."

    "That's what I thought. Doesn't have the effect I want. Turn back around." Wayne does as he's told, facing down the hallway again.

    Suddenly his back is wet and stinging with the weight of the mop head slapping him and he jerks forward with the force. He sucks a sharp breath in through his teeth.

    "That's more like it." Wayne can hear the smile in Jason's voice. He's hit again with the mop, jerking forward once more.

    "I said don't move." Jason hits him a little more forcefully and Wayne struggles to remain still. The water from the mop head drips down his back, starting to dampen the waist of his boxers.

    Jason continues flogging Wayne until the skin of his back is bright red all over and his boxers are nearly dropping with water. Wayne's breathing hard and gripping the doorframe so tightly that his knuckles are white. Jason slips his fingers beneath the waistband of Wayne's boxers.

    "Need these removed?"

    Wayne shivers at the feeling of his fingers against his skin. "Yes, Daddy."

    Jason slips them off as quickly as he can manage, though the wet material keeps getting stuck on Wayne's skin. He tosses them aside, letting them drop to the ground with a wet splat on the floor.

    "You might want to keep a grip on the frame." Jason grabs Wayne by the hips and he feels the brush of his jeans as he slides them down. Wayne shifts his weight forward, edging away from Jason.

    "Having second thoughts?" Jason drops his hands from Wayne's hip.

    "No, not at all."

    Jason gives him a hard smack on the ass, which stings more than usual since his skin is still wet. "What was that?"

    "No, Daddy."

    "Then get back here." Jason grabs him by the hips again, burying his moan machine deep inside Wayne easily. Wayne has to clutch at the doorframe to keep from falling over. He's barely able to keep himself standing while Jason pounds into him. Jason drops one hand from Wayne's hip and suddenly there's pain licking across his stomach. Jason had grabbed the wet mop head again and is using it to continue flogging Wayne, the wet tendrils streaking across his stomach.

    Wayne can't take the pain from the flogging on his stomach like he was for his back. "Blueberry," He gasps, still clutching the doorframe as he shuddered from Jason's thrusts. "Oh my god, blueberry!"

    Jason drops the mop head the same time he slides out of Wayne. Exhausted, Wayne finally releases his sore grip from the frame and drops down on all fours, struggling to catch his breath. Wayne flinches as his heated skin is met with unexpected cold slithering across his back. Jason had ice cubes nestled in his palms, rubbing them along Wayne's tender flesh. He even reaches around to trail the ice over his sore stomach.

    "Better?" Jason murmurs somewhere behind Wayne.

    "Yes, Daddy."

    "Good. Because we're not done." Jason places a hand between Wayne's shoulder blades, shoving his head down towards the carpet. Wayne knew he'd be sore tomorrow.

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