Chapter 11 - Choke

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Jason seethes as James lets his gaze linger on Glenn while he walks out of the lobby and into the quickly darkening afternoon. Glenn clocks out, turning to Jason as he prepares to leave. Seeing him bristled with his arms crossed, Glenn's eyebrows furrow in concern. He rests a hand on Jason's bicep.

"Are you okay?"

"Fine. I'll get over it." Jason turns his gaze to Glenn, his posture and features immediately softening. "Do you want to come to my place?"

Glenn's eyebrows raise. "Now?"

"Yeah, after I'm off the clock. I have a couple things left to do, then I'll be off."

"Sure. Yeah, that'd be nice." Glenn smiles, ambling into the office to wait for Jason's shift to end.

ȹ ȹ ȹ

Glenn finishes off the last of the sandwiches Jason had made them. He helps Jason clean up afterwards, putting away all the ingredients and washing the dishes. They sit on the couch, flipping through the T.V. channels.

"Are you feeling any better?" Glenn asks. With a sigh, Jason readjusts himself on the couch, throwing his arm around Glenn, who nestles into his shoulder.

"Mostly. He just really knows how to get under my skin."

"I know. You really don't like him."

"I'm positive I hate him."

"Hate's a strong word."

"No, I definitely hate him. He's the fucking worst."  Jason pulls Glenn closer and kisses the crown of his head. "But let's not talk about him anymore."

Glenn silently agrees, and they settle in to watch Spiderman reruns.

ȹ ȹ ȹ

They must've both fallen asleep because the next thing Jason knows, Glenn is using his chest as a pillow and has his arms wrapped around his torso. He rubs a hand down Glenn's back, gently stirring him awake. He stubbornly nestles into Jason's side.

"C'mon, let's go to bed." Jason slowly lifts Glenn off him, even though he's clearly pretending to be asleep now. Jason gets up from the couch and stretches, looking down at Glenn. He doesn't move. "Alright, I'm going to bed then," Jason calls back to him as he walks down the hallway to his room. He'd only made it to the door when he hears Glenn padding not-so-quietly behind him. He turns quickly, catching Glenn's wrists in his hands.

"You're bad at sneak attacks." Jason laughs.

"I know, but I tried."

Jason nudges open his bedroom door and pulls Glenn with him as he backs in. Glenn shuts the door behind him. Jason takes the chance to push him back against it, pressing their lips together as he releases Glenn's wrists to grab his hips instead. Glenn breaks their kiss to suck in a lungful of air, but Jason keeps his lips busy by leaving a trail of kisses down to Glenn's shoulder. He brings his lips back to Glenn's while he grabs at the hem of his own t-shirt, breaking the kiss again as he tugs it over his head.

Soon enough, their bare skin has no boundaries between them and their clothes are scattered across the floor. Jason shoves Glenn down onto his bed, quickly closing the space between them and grinding his hips against him. Glenn is panting by the time Jason positions himself between his legs. Glenn nearly sighs in relief when Jason pushes his love stick inside Glenn's balloon knot slowly.

Jason settles into a rhythmic pace almost instantly, taking great pleasure in the sight of Glenn laid out before him.

"Choke me," Glenn whispers so softly, Jason isn't sure he heard him correctly. The surprised confusion must be obvious on his face, because Glenn repeats himself more loudly, "Choke me, please,"

A smile tugs at Jason's lips as he places a hand around Glenn's throat, careful not to apply any pressure directly to his windpipe. "Harder," Glenn moans.

Jason isn't sure he wants to be rougher with him and he hesitates. Glenn grips Jason's forearm, forcing him to apply more pressure to his throat and his eyes roll back. Jason squeezes his eyes shut as he continuously slams their bodies together until he can't hold it anymore. He shudders as he fills Glenn with his nectar.

Jason opens his eyes, loosening his grip on Glenn's neck. He notices Glenn is shaking with ecstasy too, dripping white liquid on himself. Jason leans forward, resting his forehead against Glenn's.

After a moment of them catching their breath, Glenn breaks the silence. "I think I'm going to need a towel."


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