Chapter 10 - James

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Jason didn't know what to make of the strange behavior from his two submissives, but he didn't mind it either. The only downside is it being harder for him to control himself while he worked with them. Not that he didn't enjoy the challenge.

He left the office, turning the corner into concession with the intention of approaching Glenn. Jason had been smiling, but it immediately fades when he sees Glenn talking to another young man he recognizes. He stops in his tracks, his non-slip shoes squeaking on the floor.

At the sound, Glenn stops giggling at what the other man said and turns sharply towards Jason. His features fall and a blush creeps across his cheeks. Glenn glances away from Jason's gaze. The other man, James, smirks at Jason.

James is an ex-employee, having found another job across town at the local coffee shop. Jason had never gotten along with James, mostly because he'd taken interest in Glenn and that had rubbed Jason the wrong way. Glenn is his, no one else's.

"What are you doing here?" Jason didn't try to hide the dismay in his voice, crossing his arms over his chest as he came to stand across the counter from James. Jason is slightly envious of James' appearance; with his blond hair, darkened facial hair, and broad build, he looks oddly like a modernized Viking. His hair isn't quite long enough to pull back though. What pissed Jason off the most is his height. James stood at least three inches taller than Jason. It makes him feel inferior.

James doesn't immediately answer Jason, instead giving a lingering look to Glenn purposefully. "What, a man can't watch a movie? Ease up, Jase."

Jason tenses at the mention of his nickname. "It's Jason, to you."

James laughs, shaking his head. "We'll see about that." Jason raises an eyebrow.

"Wait in the office for me." Jason says, jerking his chin towards the back of concession. Glenn doesn't say anything as he scurries away.

"No need for the hostility, Jason." James says his name like a curse.

"I feel it's warranted." Jason raises his wrist as if to check the time, but his wrist is bare. "You'd better go too, I'm sure you're missing the movie."

With an annoyed grunt, James steps away from the counter, walking backwards towards the hallway. "I'll see you 'round."

"I fucking hope not."

James smiles. "You will."

Jason keeps his eyes on James until he disappears into an auditorium. Once he's gone, he retreats into the office, telling another employee to watch concession. He slams the office door behind him. Glenn is sitting in one of the wheeled chairs, hands nervously fidgeting with each other.

"What was that about?" Jason leans back on the closed door, propping one foot up on it.

Glenn swallows before answering. "We were just talking about his new job."

"Huh. You looked embarrassed that I'd interrupted."

Glenn's face reddens again. "Well I, uh, yeah, I know you don't like him. But he's my friend."

"He's not your friend, Glenn. He has a thing for you, especially since he knows you're with me. Don't let him deceive you."

"Okay. I'll be more careful around him."

"Thank you. Now, you should get back out there, I've got some work to do in here." Glenn stands to leave, but Jason stops him before he passes.

"Hey, I don't mean to be so rude with you, but I'm just looking out for you." Jason grabs Glenn's hand and gives it a light squeeze.

"I know you are." Glenn smiles, giving him a squeeze back and kissing his cheek before returning to the concession stand.

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