Chapter 20 - Creamy Love

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A few weeks pass before Jason returns to the coffee shop again. A group of teens are ahead of him, taking too much time joking around instead of putting their orders in. Once it's finally Jason's turn, James smiles at him despite his obvious annoyance with the teens.

"What can I get for you, Jase?"

"It's Jason."

"Right. Jason. Well?"

"Surprise me, again."

"Sure thing." While James busies himself with making the drinks for the teens and for him, Jason eyes the loud group across the room. The boys in the group are shoving each other with wide grins while the girls laugh and roll their eyes. Jason turns his attention back to James, who maneuvers expertly around the counter and to the teens with their drink orders carefully held in a carrying tray. To Jason's relief, they leave with their drinks. The coffee shop is quiet again.

James wordlessly makes Jason a drink, though he can tell it's not coffee from the ingredients he's using. The outcome is more like a frozen smoothie, pink in color. James tops it off with a cherry and offers Jason a straw.

"What's this?"

"Good. Try it," Jason snatches the straw from him, stabbing it into the frozen drink and sipping hesitantly. He isn't expecting the fruity goodness that enters his mouth. He keeps his features carefully blank as he takes another sip and sets it on the counter. James continues, "So, let's talk about why you're really here."

Jason sighs, clearly irritated already. "I don't understand why you keep coming around despite me warning you not to. You already have Wayne, is that not enough to satisfy you?"

"I'm not very good with orders. Usually I'm the one giving them, not taking them." James smiles, stroking his chin as he purposely ignores Jason's last comment.

"As am I." Jason leans forward on the counter. "But I would appreciate you following orders for once. It's really becoming a bother."

"Is it? Why would I listen to you?"

Jason inhales deeply, letting it out in a huff, but doesn't say anything.

"That's what I thought." James also leans forward, hands splayed on the table.

"I'm only going to tell you once more to keep your distance from Glenn." Their faces are only a few inches from each other.

"Or what?" James challenges, a smile dancing on his lips.

Jason's face starts to turn red with anger. "Or you'll regret it."

"Doubtful." At that last retort, Jason closes the distance between them, grabbing James' face and crushing their lips together. James clutches at the front of Jason's shirt, pulling him even closer. By the time they break apart, they're both breathless, eyes heavy with desire. Jason hops over the counter, turning James to push him back against it as he brings him in for more sloppy kisses.

James pushes Jason away, holding him back by his forearms. "I'm the dom here, not you."

"We'll see about that." Jason kisses him again, becoming increasingly frustrated when he's pushed back once more.  James spins them so that Jason is against the counter, then turns Jason and holds him face-down on the smooth countertop. He leans in close to his ear saying, "My coffee shop, my rules."

Holding him still with one hand on his back, James pushes Jason's jeans down to his ankles and he steps out of them easily. "I'll let that slide just this once." Jason murmurs.

"Just once? Doubtful." James chuckles, lifting one of Jason's leg to prop it on the counter. He licks his fingers, rubbing them against Jason's starfish. He pushes back against James' fingers as they easily slide inside. James wets his fingers again, this time to rub himself.

"I hate you." Jason moans as James' gut wrench slips inside him.

"Not yet you don't." James grabs a handful of Jason's curls, pulling roughly as he pounds into him with long, forceful thrusts. Jason is glad James can't see his face, which is etched with increasing euphoria. He has to resist the urge to rock back against James to meet each thrust; he doesn't want him to know how much he's enjoying it.

James slows his pace and releases Jason's locks, making Jason cast a questioning glance over his shoulder. "That was fast," he says in a mocking tone.

James grabs Jason's hair again, placing his other hand on his back and shoving him down into the counter. He leans over Jason, pressing his lips close to his ear. "I'm not done with you yet."

Jason's eyes cross as James plunges balls deep inside him again and again, making a small moan escape his lips. He swears internally, knowing James wouldn't let him ever forget that. He squeezes his eyes shut at the tightening in his groin as the rhythmic pounding finally brings him to release.

Moments later, James gives him a cream pie, not unlike the one sitting in the display case just within arm's reach on the counter.

James pulls out slowly, almost reluctantly. He gives Jason a smack on the ass. "Better keep that ass moist for me."

Jason laughs nasally as he pulls his pants up. "Don't count on it. You're bottom next time." He picks up his drink. "You owe me a new one."

"Why's that?"

"It's melted." Jason suggestively puts the tip of the straw in his mouth, the glint in his eye matching James'.

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