Chapter 18 - Feature

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Wayne doesn't even have time to blink before James has him propped up on the counter, nude from the waist down. Wayne's moans echo against the tiled walls as James starts tongue punching his dirt tunnel. Wayne suddenly sucks in a breath when he feels two fingers slide inside him. He moans again in protest when James tries to put a third one in.

    "Don't worry, I came prepared." James let's just fingers slide out of Wayne as he pulls out a small, travel sized container of lube from his pocket.

    "Do you always carry that with you?"

    James gives Wayne a flat look. "Shut up." He shoves the fingers he'd just been using into Wayne's mouth, pressing down on his tongue.

    After Wayne gags, James pulls his fingers out, squeezing out the contents from the tube onto his fingers and rubs them against Wayne's starfish. He slides two fingers in again, pumping them in and out until he feels Wayne relax, then starts pushing a third finger in. Wayne grips the edge of the counter beneath him, squeezing his eyes shut at the burning sensation of his hole being stretched.

    "It'll feel better once the numbing kicks in." James murmurs, locking eyes with Wayne.

    "What? Numbing?"

    "Trust me, you're going to thank me for bringing the numbing lube with me instead of the regular one." Wayne gulps at the look James gives him.

    James stuffs another finger inside Wayne, and he reflexively clenches, making the pain worse. "Relax, I've still gotta get more in." James says as he wiggles his fingers around, making Wayne squirm.

    "Oh my god," Wayne breathes, a weird sensual feeling enveloping him mixed with slight pain. "I don't think I can do this." He whimpers when James tries putting a fifth digit in.

    "You can, and you will. Just watch"" James presses his fingers together into a cone shape, gently pressing them against Wayne's balloon knot.

    "No, I really don't think—"

    "Shhh." James coos.

"Fine," Wayne grumbles.

James keeps gently teasing Wayne's opening until he's able to sink his hand up to his first knuckles inside. Wayne squirms on the counter top, trying to inch away from James' hand, but he's trapped against the sink mirror.

    Wayne's eyes roll back in his head after a few minutes of his ass being probed and he feels James' finger sink in deeper. James grabs the small bottle again, squirting more liquid onto the back of his hand and his wrist. Wayne's eyes go wide.

    "Why do you need it way up on your wrist?"

    A smile spreads across James' features. He twists his hand around again, and Wayne is surprised to see that he is up to his second knuckles now. He lets his head fall back against the mirror. When had he started sweating? He can feel the sweat droplets trickling down the back of his neck, disappearing beneath his shirt. His eyes fly open and a moan escapes him as his asshole closes around James' wrist. He slowly rotates his hand around, hitting Wayne in interesting places that hadn't been touch before and he begins squirming again, moaning with nearly every breath he takes. James starts to pull his hand out, gradually tugging it out and pushing it all the way back in.

    James picks up his pace and soon Wayne is convulsing in response to his touch. Wayne is so high in a euphoric cloud that he doesn't hear Jason enter the bathroom.

    "Wayne." Jason's voice sends shivers down Wayne's spine, and he would've finished right there had he not seen the furious expression on his features. His blue eyes blaze in anger, growing darker.

"What's up man, how's the movie?" James pulls out his hand from Wayne's ass, earning an involuntary moan from him. Jason glowers, turning on his heel and leaving.

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