Chapter 16 : Stop! Stop it, Justin!

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We arrived safely at our school. I quickly grabbed my bag and got off the bus. I have already called Mia to come pick me up at school. After I waved Adam and Derin goodbye, I saw Mia's car entering the school grounds. I walked towards the vehicle and climbed into the passenger's seat.

"Hey, little sis. How's the trip?" Mia asked while flashing a big smile at me.

"It was okay." I lied, fastening the seatbelt. I dropped my gaze so that she couldn't see my face because if she looked me in the eye, she is going to know that I am lying.

"Okay...Did you have fun?" her tone sounded like she was trying to confirm my condition.

I glanced over to look at her and locked my gaze for a few seconds before answering although it was still a lie.

"I'm okay, Mia. Can we go home? I'm very tired." I practically begged.

"Okay. Don't worry. We're going home now." she raised both of her hands in the air before started driving.


After we arrived home, I hurried myself upstairs to my room. It was a good thing that my mom was still at work because I wasn't feeling like talking to anyone at the moment.

I entered my room and headed towards the bathroom to take a shower. After I finished my shower, I performed Asr prayer. I was crying the whole time when I was praying to Allah. I couldn't believe he would do such a thing to me. What've I ever done to him? He was so selfish and heartless.

I guess he didn't even care how he made me feel like. He was just trying to fulfill his sexual needs. At the same time, I felt lucky enough that he didn't get to do anything further than what he had already did.

I didn't even know how to face him every single day at school after this. I think I'll just have to ignore him as much as possible and pretended like I've never met him before in my life.

I lied on my bed for a moment before I heard my phone buzzing beside me which indicated that I have received a new text. I grabbed it and I saw a text from Adam. I unlocked it to read the text.

Adam : Assalamualaikum, Camila. How are
              you? I can give you a lift to school
              tomorrow. Let me know if you're

Me : Waalaikummursalam. I'm okay. Thanks
         for asking anyway. Yea. I'd love too. I
         appreciate it.

Adam : Cool. I'll see you tomorrow.

After I replied his texts, I placed my phone back where it belonged and continued lying in my bed. I could feel my eyes were getting heavier and I instantly fell asleep without even realizing it.


My alarm went off at 6 in the morning. I turned it off, grabbed my towel and went into the bathroom to take a shower. I got dressed and performed Fajr prayer. I saw Adam's car pulling into my parents driveway through the window.

I wrapped a blue hijab around my head, grabbed my bag and went downstairs. My mom and Mia were sitting at the kitchen table enjoying their breakfast.

"Good morning, mom. Mia." I said to both of them while kissing my mom on her cheek.

"Good morning." they both said.

"Sit down and join us, honey." my mom offered but I had to decline because Adam was already waiting for me outside.

"It's okay, mom. I gotta go. Adam is already here to pick me up." I said and grabbed a sandwich before heading towards the front door.

"Be careful." my mom called as I shut the door behind me.

I stole a moment to eat the sandwich and finished it before I got into Adam's car. I didn't want to be seen rude for eating inside someone's car although it was a friend of mine's car.

"Hey, Camila. Are you ready to go?" he smiled.

"Hey. Yea. Let's go." I nodded and buckled up.

We chitchat about our previous trip to the lake all the way to school. I was just glad that he probably forgot to bring up where he, Derin and I left off yesterday because I didn't really explain to them the reason why I came out of the forest alone without Justin.

Adam pulled into the parking lot and we got out of the car. We walked into the school building together but we didn't see any sign of Derin yet. That's weird. It was probably because it was still early and there were less people wondering around the school at that time.

"Camila!" I heard a familiar voice yelling my name but I have already knew to whom that voice belonged to. It was Justin's. That jerk. What does he want now?

"Wait up!" he yelled and I could hear his footsteps was getting even louder which indicated that he was running towards us.

I tried my best to pretend that I didn't hear him shouting my name like a crazy dog and kept walking. After a few more steps, I felt his hand grabbing my arm and I immediately jerked it away.

"What's your problem, man?" Adam intervened after he saw Justin grabbing my arm.

"I need to speak to Camila. That's all." he half yelled at Adam.

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that. C'mon, Camila." Adam grabbed my shoulder to keep me walking.

"I didn't get that." I heard Justin yelled and before I could turn around to look at him, he had already punched Adam in the face and he instantly collapsed onto the floor. Justin was clearly bigger and taller than Adam. Astaghfirullah!

"Oh my God! Adam! Are you okay?" I dropped down to my knees to examine his condition. There was a little cut on his bottom lip.

"What's the matter with you? Are you crazy? Did you realize what you've done?" I shouted at Justin. I was so mad at that time. Nobody has ever punched Adam before not until he comes around.

"I told you. I just wanna talk to Camila." Justin said. He took a step closer towards Adam while raising his fist to punch him again but I've stopped him just in time before he had a in chance.

"Stop! Stop it, Justin! Okay! Okay! You wanna talk? Let's talk. Please?" I begged while standing right between Adam and him.

"Fine. Let's go." he said and left.

"I'm sorry, Adam. I'll be right back." I reassured him and started to follow Justin.

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