Chapter 74 : The Nightmare

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It's time for the rising action guys! 💃🏻
I think it's kinda cliche because Heyyyyyy...
I'm a new writer here and this is the first book I've ever written 🌸
Please give me some support guys 🙏🏻
Mind the awkward part 🍃

The Next Day...

Mrs. Susan Walker's POV

My life is completely ruined for the second time. I thought bringing Justin along with me here could make a difference but it turned out to be worse. I've lost both of my husband and my son because of a Muslim.

Justin isn't answering any of my calls anymore and I don't know what else to do to get him back. He is madly in love with the Muslim girl. I never thought he would dump his own mother for love. What kind of son does that?

If he said that it was my fault that he made his choice to get out of the house, I refused to accept that. I was just trying to protect him from making the same mistake as his father did. His new Muslim wife is living her perfect life in England with him and here I am practically losing my mind because my son had left me for his Muslim girlfriend.

What did actually happen? He barely knows that Muslim girl. We just moved here less than a year and now he's giving up his relationship with his mother just to please her.

If that's what it is, I'm not gonna let the same thing happen to me in the past repeats itself ever again. I'm not gonna let you be with my son. From the moment Justin brought her home, I just know that something bad is about to happen and I was right after all. You wanna be with my son? Over my dead body. I'm not gonna let that happen.

If I can't have my son back, then no one can. NO ONE!? Not even her. You left me no choice, Justin but to kill her. I'm gonna end her miserable life and you'll come back to me. I'll do whatever it takes to get you back. You just have to and you'll be sorry for leaving me. You'll be kneeling on your knees and begging me.

"Mark? Come into my office now." I demanded him after I finally made up my mind.

A few minutes later, he entered my office and stood in front of my desk, waiting for the next move. I will not fail this time. I just can't. Not anymore.

"Ma'am?" he interrupted, getting ready to take the order.

"You will not fail on me this time, Mark." I rose from the desk.

"I won't. Trust me." his blue eyes met mine, giving me that promising look that I've waited.

"Very well."

"I'm not gonna let her slip out of my fingers this time, Mark."

"I want you to end her life." I whispered, leaning towards the desk and my mouth was pulled into a wicked smile from the anger that was boiling inside of me.

"If I can't have my son back, then neither does she." I lightened up my tone just to make sure that he keeps those words in mind.

"Consider it done, Ma'am." he nodded in understanding and immediately vanished from my sight.

"Goodbye, Camila. Your time is up." I whispered to myself and waited impatiently for the good news.

Justin's POV


I sat there, holding Camila's unmoving body firmly in my arms as she continued bleeding to death. Her small body was lying flat on the ground and I lifted her head up, bringing it close to my chest as I felt my heart cracking like glass, spreading its pieces throughout my body.

I called her name like forever, begging her to open her eyes but she wasn't strong anymore to handle the depth of pain that had been sitting below her skin.

Streaming tears cleansed my cheeks as I saw the colour began to drain out of her already pale skin but still left her beautiful lips rosy. The salty release calmly flowed into my mouth so that I could taste my own sorrow.

In this sadness there is no past or future, just living by the moment. The pain of losing her flowed through my veins and deadened my mind. I wish that God had taken my life as well at that moment.

"Camila? Baby? Please. Open your eyes for me." I begged until I couldn't even recognise my own voice.

"Camila?" I stroked her pale cheek gently with my thumb but nothing seemed to be right.

"God!? TAKE ME! Please take me!?" I shouted and lifted my head up to the sky, hoping that God would answer me.

I couldn't bare the lost anymore. It was too late. I had lost the only girl I've ever loved. I've made a promise that she'll be safe with me but I failed to protect her. I HAD LOST EVERYTHING!? It should have been me. She doesn't deserve this. NO!? NO! NO!?

"Jesus Christ! Justin?!" I heard a voice was banging in my head.

"Justin?! WAKE UP!" the voice continued and it was getting louder and louder. What's happening? Camila?!

"Camila?!" I yelled, searching for the most valuable thing in my life but she wasn't there beside me when I reached for her.

"JUSTIN?!" the voice suddenly interrupted me from the most painful nightmare I've ever experienced before and it made me rose up instantly.

When I completely opened my eyes, Steve's face was the first thing that I saw instead of hers. I turned my head to the other side, she was no longer with me.

Camila's unmoving body wasn't there in my arms anymore as I found myself sitting on the floor with the sheets underneath me soaking in my own sweat.

"You've had a nightmare, man." Steve pulled me from my scary thoughts and I turned to face him.

"It felt so real." I said, rubbing my face with both of my hands multiple times until I actually realized that it was all a dream.

"You've been saying her name for the last few minutes. What's going on? What did you see?" he asked, patting me on my shoulder.

"No. I don't wanna talk about it." I buried my face inside my hands, avoiding his questions.

"It's okay if you don't wanna talk about it and..."

"Do you think she's okay?" I cut him off before he could finish his sentence.

"I'm sure that she's fine." he nodded and gave me a reassuring smile.

"Fuhhh, okay. Okay." I tried to shake all of those thoughts out of my mind.

"Just go back to sleep." he demanded and I nodded.

"I'm sorry that I woke you up." I apologised.

"Don't be. It was nothing. Get some sleep." he kept it cool and climbed back onto the bed.

"We're okay." I whispered quietly to myself before going back to bed. I clenched the sheets at the thought of her then I was drifted off to sleep without realizing it.

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