Chapter 76 : Oh Allah! Please save him...

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I loosened my arms from her and let her go then she seemed puzzled by my actions so she turned around to look at what I was focusing on.

That was the time when the man put his finger on the trigger and ready to fire away. I know I gotta do something. I'm not gonna let the same thing that happened to her in my dream becomes a reality.

I'll give my life for you...

My own words kept repeating itself in my head at that moment. It's true. I would do anything to protect her even if it kills me.

Without a second thought, I've made the craziest decision in my life. Never have I ever vowed to die for someone. I was too selfish back then but I would definitely give my life for this girl that I loved so much.

"Camila!?" I shouted, warning her by stepping in front of her with my arms spread across her and waited for the hard impact to hit me.

Camila's POV

"Justin?" I called his name like multiple times but he didn't even look at me. His blue eyes were too busy focusing on something from behind me. He looked terrified all of a sudden. I knew something was wrong at that time.

He released me and I turned my full body around to look behind me. That was when I heard him yelling my name like it was a warning or something.

"Camila?!" he shouted and immediately stepped in front me while spreading his arms wide across me. It was like he wanted to protect me from something but WHAT?

That was the time when I startled to the sound of a steady succession of loud POW! POW! It sounded just like a gun going off. What's happening right now?

The crowds screamed and gone wild, running relentlessly to save themselves after hearing the gunshots. The birds were also flying high in the sky.

"Justin?" my voice was getting shaky. I was totally afraid at that time.

I grabbed Justin by his shoulder and tried to turn him around to face me but he collapsed to the ground instead. He was lying with his back flat on the ground right in front of me and his eyes barely opened.

"Justin?!" I yelled, dropping down to my knees to check on him until I realized there were two bullet holes pierced through his chest and stomach. He was bleeding to death and I got panicked.

"Oh, no! Justin?! Justin?! Can you hear me?" I shouted, tears streaming down my face when I finally pictured what had happened.

I cupped his face, patting on his cheek gently while calling his name to wake him up but he didn't have the strength left in him to even open his eyes.

"Justin? Please..." I pleaded, breathing heavily.

"Camila?" he whispered, barely opening his eyes. He reached for my cheek with one hand and placed my hand on his. He was too weak.

"I'm here." I nodded, feeling like my whole world is falling apart seeing him like this. My heart crushed and my soul was burning.

For a few seconds he looked up at the sky as if trying to admire it one last time. Then the black waves folded over him.

"Camila..." he called once more before his hand finally slipped out of mine and fell onto the ground beside him.

"OH MY GOD! NO!? Justin? Justin?" I yelled.

"C'mon, don't do this to me." I begged, stroking his cheeks to wake him up but it was too late. He was completely out. I checked his pulse but I could barely feel it.

"JUSTIN? Please wake up?!" I moaned.

"Oh my God! Justin?! Justin!" I heard Steve's voice yelling Justin's name from afar. It was getting louder and louder until I finally saw him running towards us. What's he doing here? How did he know that we're here?

"What happened?" he asked, dropping down to his knees to check on Justin.

"I don't know..." I cried, couldn't find my voice anymore.

"Damn it! He's been shot." Steve exclaimed when he noticed the wounds on Justin's body.

"Justin? Can you hear me?" he called to him while checking his pulse.

"C'mon, we need to get him to the hospital." he said, standing up and lifted Justin carefully. He draped his arm over his shoulders and I helped him carried Justin to his car.

I couldn't stop moaning and crying when I noticed that he was dripping blood all the way to the car.

"Get in the back." he demanded and put Justin in the back seat.

I placed his head on my lap and pressed on his wounds to stop the bleeding while we arrived at the hospital.


"WE NEED A DOCTOR HERE! PLEASE HELP US!?" Steve shouted as soon as we arrived at the entrance of the hospital. He opened the door to the back seat and took Justin out of the car.

The paramedics rushed towards us with a stretcher. We hurried through the automatic sliding glass doors, the wheels of the stretcher and my pounding footsteps were the only thing I could hear.

"Miss, you can't follow us." the receptionist stopped me when we reached the emergency room.

"Why?" was all I could choke out, as my mind filled with a succession of horrible outcomes, each worse than the last.

"You must wait in the waiting room like everybody else." she said in educated but clipped tones and gestured to where she was talking about.

"But..." I sobbed, trying my best to retaliate but Steve had grabbed me by my shoulders before I could do anything further.

"We should wait out here, Camila." he said.

"Let him go." he convinced me and finally I let go of the stretcher that I was holding. My heart sank into my chest as the stretcher disappeared from view.

"Justin's strong. Everything's gonna be fine." he tried his best to soothe me and I nodded, wiping the tears from my cheeks.

"Let's sit here." he said and I sat dejectedly in one of the hard plastic chairs down the hall until I realized that both of my hands were covered in blood.

"Uh, you're a mess. Let's get you cleaned up." Steve gave me a sympathetic smile and I nodded. I stood up from the chair and he led me to the ladies restroom.

"Oh Allah! I love him so much. Please save him. I couldn't bare the pain of losing him!? You're the only thing that I'm counting on right now." it was impossible for me to stop praying to God that everything will be just fine. In sha Allah!

He was my dream, my life and my whole world. I wouldn't want to live my life without him either. He was everything to me. Everything everything!?

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