Chapter 20 : I want a kiss

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Hey guys!
This is one of the longest chapters that I've ever written 🌈
You guys gonna love it 💕

Justin's POV

"Give me the damn keys, Steve!" I yelled at the boy with blonde hair and blue eyes who was standing right in front of me.

"No, Justin! You're completely drunk and I'm not gonna let you drive." he said, slipping my car keys into his pocket.

"Don't make me hit you!" I warned him as my courage was fuelled by alcohol.

"Do what you want, Justin. I'm still keeping the keys."

"Jesus! Fine! I'm gonna go inside and get a drink!" I gave up and went inside towards the kitchen to grab another drink.

I don't even know what's going on with me. It's Camila. She did this to me. She's torturing me from the very beginning. I couldn't stop thinking about her day or night.

There were days when I would sit at a bar and wait for the girls to throw themselves at me. The girls that I would usually bring home to sleep with but they all end up leaving my house because I made them leave.

Since the first day I met Camila, everything has changed. I couldn't sleep with any random girls after that even if I wanted to. I kept seeing her face. She was everywhere.

The only way that could take my mind off of her was being drunk. A bad day at school or an argument with Camila, drinking was always the answer. Each drink seemed like a better and better idea. Under the influence of alcohol, everything seemed like fun.

I was drinking to stop myself from thinking about her but at the same time I missed her so much. I missed messing around with her and her stubbornness as well. I dug out my phone from my pocket and decided to call her to relieve the boredom. I hit the automatic re-dial and she picked up on the second ring.

"Hello? Who's this?" she asked. She didn't even know where I get her number from. Oh well. I guess I'll tell her later. She's gonna be pissed.

"Yea. Why are you doing this to me, Camila?" I slurred at her. I didn't even know what was I thinking. My mind was in a frenzy, world spinning faster than normal, legs giving way after a few vodka shots.

"Are you drunk?" she asked. Her voice was filled with concern. Well, I was surprised to ring her.

"What's it to you?" I slurred at her once again.

"I'm just curious. Where are you?" See? I knew she cared about me.

"It doesn't matter. I gotta go now." I said and hung up. I wouldn't want to further this conversation anymore.

I dropped my phone on the kitchen counter and Steve approached me. Why was he so concerned about me anyway? We barely know each other but did hang out a couple of times after we first met at school.

"Did you call her?" he asked.

"It's none of your fucking business." I shut him out and got out of the house. I noticed that Steve was reaching for my phone after I left it on the kitchen counter but I didn't give a shit. I headed towards the pool in my backyard to chill myself out.

Camila's POV

I followed Steve to the mansion and he led me into the kitchen. I was practically horrified to see broken glasses shattered everywhere including on top of the kitchen counter and also on the floor. A vase was smashed onto the floor into pieces that you could never put back together. I did spot a couple of empty vodka bottles scattered on the floor. Astaghfirullah. He has been drinking. Why is he doing this?

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