Chapter 78 : Alhamdulillah...

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5 Hours Later...

Camila's POV

It's been 5 hours since they took Justin into the operation room and still...


My feet wouldn't stop shaking and my hands were sweating like crazy. I couldn't eat or sleep. I called my mom as soon as I got myself cleaned up. She and Mia rushed over to the hospital and brought me some fresh clothes so that I can change.

"Oh Allah, please save Justin! I've never loved anyone like this before. He is everything to me. I don't know what else to do. You're all that I'm counting on." it's impossible for me to stop praying in this situation.

"Everything's gonna be okay, honey." mom said, trying to soothe my sadness while wiping the tears that wouldn't stop rolling down my cheeks.

"Just keep on breathing..." she whispered, that's what she told me every time I felt like giving up.

"Please eat something." she rubbed my hands gently but I was still with my decision. How can I possibly eat something when he is still inside the operation room without any news at all?

"No, not until I know what's going on in there." I shook my head while pointing towards the white doors with a big 'Emergency' sign on top of it.

"Hmmm..." she hummed in frustration after failing her final attempt to persuade me to eat.

"Where's Mia?" I asked. I didn't even notice where she went probably because I was too busy worrying about Justin rather than being aware of my own surroundings.

"She went to the cafe to buy some food." mom smiled.

"Uh, okay." I nodded.

"How is he?" Steve suddenly interrupted us when he approached us after going back home to get himself cleaned up as well.

He was covered with Justin's blood when we arrived at the hospital. That's why he excused himself earlier to get home and he already kept his words to come back here to check on Justin.

I looked up at him while shaking my head and he nodded in understanding. He walked over towards me and leaned againts the wall beside me with his arms crossed. He seemed lost and frustrated as I am. Justin is his bestfriend. He cares about Justin as much as I do.


A while later, the doors to the operation room finally opened and a doctor came out of the room, untying the mask from his face.

I quickly stood up when I saw him walking towards us with a frown on his face. Oh God! I don't know what that frown means. My heart began to sink at the thought of the doctors couldn't save his life.

"Well?" I asked the middle aged man with light brown eyes who was standing in front of me, waiting impatiently for what he has to say.

"It's okay, miss. He's gonna be fine." he finally smiled. A sense of relief escaped from my mouth and my heart was leaping inside my chest.

"Alhamdulillah." I exclaimed while placing both of my hands on my chest and continued to give thanks to Allah for saving the love of my life. A smile eternally stained upon my lips.

"Oh, thank God." I heard Steve whispered under his breath.

"He suffered from major injuries but he is stable now." the doctor added with a wider smile on his face this time.

"See, honey? He's okay." mom said, placing her hand on my shoulder and I turned my head around to look at her before facing back towards the doctor.

"Thank you so much." I said, tears of joy rolling down my cheeks.

"You're welcome." he nodded.

"Are you a family member?" he asked which made me ran out of words.

I couldn't actually tell him that I'm his girlfriend. A muslim girl and a white boy? That's just madness. It's too tragic I guess. Right? I thought to myself.

"No, none of us are his family members." Steve stood beside me, answering the question for me and I smiled at him.

"Oh, I'll try to reach his mother." Steve said while digging his phone out of his pocket.

The doctor looked at us with a confusing look on his face but carried on with what Steve said to him. Just like any other patients, they would have called their family members as soon as they arrived at the hospital and not 5 hours later.

"Can I see him?" I asked, trying to get rid of the awkward situation. EVENTUALLY.


"You can see him but make it quick, okay? I want him to rest." he said professionally.

"I understand. I won't be long." I reassured him. Then, he gave me the directions to Justin's room and excused himself before leaving us in the waiting room.

"I wanna go see him, mom." I turned my full body towards mom and she nodded.

"We'll be waiting for you right here." she smiled, stroking my cheek gently with her thumb.

"Okay." I let out a small breath before making my way towards the room.

I glanced back at them one last time before pushing the silver double-doors opened and went inside.

The walls dove and the floor was slate grey. Above the ceiling was made from those polystyrene squares laid on a grid-like frame. The light was too bright for my eyes which enough to get me a migraine.

Every few seconds I passed a different set of doors until I finally reached the door with a dull chrome handle where the doctor said Justin would be. I exhaled a deep breath before pushing the doors with my body weight but I needn't have to as it swung opened soundlessly and with ease.

Only Allah knows how much I miss him and how much I want to see his face even if it's just for a few minutes. Knowing that he's okay matters most to me than anything else in this whole wide world.

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