Chapter 84 : Believe in us

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Camila's POV

The moment she wrapped her hands tightly around my body, goosebumps exploded in my skin. Adrenaline flooded my system, it pumped and beat like it was trying to escape. I thought my heart would explode and my eyes were wide with fears. My body wanted to either run fast to safety but instead I remain where I am.

I didn't actually return her hug as I was afraid to even put my hands on her. All I did was pray that she wouldn't kill me on the spot until she finally let go of me. I looked her in the eye and she looked into mine.

Beyond my expectations, she reached out her left hand to my cheek and stroked it gently with the remaining tears in her blue eyes. A small smile was playing on her lips when she did that.

"I'm so sorry." she whispered. With that, she was out of sight afterwards. Gone without another word.

"Camila?" Justin's voice woke me up from my train of thoughts. I didn't realize that I was frozen to my feet at that moment until he pulled me out of the line of thinking.

I shook my head a few times before calling back to him, "Oh, yea?"

"Are you okay?" he frowned.

"I'm fine." I said, walking over towards him.

"What just happened?" I questioned timidly when I reached the bedside but he didn't dare to answer me and kept his silence instead.

My eyebrows plunged into a confusing frown as I noticed his soaking wet cheeks. His eyes were red like he has been crying for last few minutes. I couldn't help myself but feeling like I was the only one that missed the train. What did I miss?

"Are you crying?" I asked, scared of his answer.

"I've told her." he said, didn't exactly answer my question.

"What did you tell her?"

"Everything, Camila." he gazed at me with gleaming eyes.


"I told her that if she wouldn't be able to understand what I really wanted in this life, about us, then I would be fighting her for the rest of my life just to be with you." he lightened up his tone, making himself clear about what he just said.

Once more, I was at a lost of words. What can I possibly say? I love him more than I've ever loved anyone but the last thing I expected to happen is the relationship between Justin and his mother got destroyed because of me. But...

What's the meaning behind what happened a few minutes ago? Out of the blue, she was actually being nice to me and pulled me into her arms as we encountered each other. My head started to spin and everything became blurry.

"What are you thinking about?" Justin interrupted me, placing his hand on mine.


"What's going on with your mother?" I asked, still muddled by her sudden change.

"Camila?" he whispered. I knew by that tone, he was demanding me to look at him in the eye and so I did.

"Yea?" I gazed up at him.

"I'm not gonna promise you anything just yet but if what happened a few minutes ago was an early sign of her approval of our relationship..." he paused before taking both of my hands in his and we locked our eyes together.

"I'm more than grateful, Camila." I was still holding my gaze but nothing came out of my mouth at that time.

"Well, say something." he practically begged.

I let out a harsh breath, "I'm just scared." I blurted out the truth. I mean anything could happen at this stage. As much as I wanted to believe him but...

I didn't want myself to be thinking that we aren't meant to be together. I want more than anything to be with him. I don't to keep going back to the same old moments over and over again. There is an act that comes and goes from time to time. I want so much for him to be by my side, to talk and laugh like we once did.

"You don't have to be scared anymore. We've got each other and we'll always be together." he smiled at me, the object of his desire.

"Please understand that nothing good can come right now and I'd rather take the pain sooner than later..." I protested because those worst thoughts wouldn't leave my little mind and I don't even know why they kept on repeating.

"But maybe in a few years we can be together again, close and happy. Then we can have something that is actually good, that has a chance of lasting." his dream was as beautiful as it was in a fairytale.

"Oh, how I want it to be true but..." he made me shut my mouth before I was about to express my stupid thoughts.

"We can make it real, Camila. All you have to do is believe in it. Believe in me."

"Believe in us." I still lost my breath at the sight of him. Those innocent eyes of his. So intense, so reassuring and so calm. How could I even say no to him?

"Please?" he pleaded for the hundredth time.

"I believe in us." I breathed out. Eventually.

"You know I love you right?" he asked. A question that he already knew the answer to that one.

"Of course I do." I pressed my lips together as the tears gathering behind my eyes.

"When are you gonna be discharged from here anyway?" I forced myself to change the subject.

"Maybe in a few more days." he said, reassuring me.

"Uh, what about the wounds?" I asked, eager to know.

The corner of his mouth quirked up and he stared at me, "You wanna see?" he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Can I?"

"Why not? You've seen these abs before." he smirked. Arghhh! If he wasn't so sick, I would have smack that smirk off of his face. HARD!?

"Yea but just those abs..." I said, unaware of what actually came out of my mouth.

"What does that supposed to mean?" he laughed. If it wasn't for that laugh, I wouldn't have realize what I just said.

"Nothing." I lied, shaking my head from side to side while placing one finger on my lips. Shit! Stupid mouth!? I cursed silently to myself.

"Aaaa, I know what you mean." he barked out a laugh.

"Oh yea? What would that be then?" I asked sarcastically. Wait! Why did I even ask him that question again?

"You wanna see me without my clothes on? Am I right?" he smirked then laughed at his own dirty jokes.

"Oh my God, Justin!? Can you please stop?!" I punched his upper arm, annoyed by his ridiculous thoughts. Dirty. Yeah! Dirty is definitely the perfect word.

"Okay. okay. Damn girl! Take it easy will ya?" he chuckled and I flashed my best pout ever.

"Hey! Don't pout or I'll kiss that full lips of yours until they're swollen." he threatened using his sexy British accent on purpose and I blushed a little. Oh no! Don't you dare turn scarlet, Camila! I warned myself.

"Thought so." he crossed his arms, referring to my pale cheeks turning red.

"SHUT UP!?" I stucked my tongue out at him and he bursted into laughter.

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