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i. notice anything different ?


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ISABELLA SWAN'S BEAT UP RUST BUCKET TRUCK PULLED INTO THE DRIVEWAY JUST AS JASPER AND ALICE PULLED OUT. The air was cold and quiet as the Swan girl's boot clad feet hit the pavement and approached the front door with her backpack slung over her shoulder.

For a moment, she looked up at the house, at all the memories that were held within those walls and reminiscing on all the memories they missed out on. She took a second to think of her brother, knowing he was in there somewhere. He was home. Safe. Alive.

Bella didn't bother to say anything to her father as she burst through the door. There was no need for it, he was passed out on the couch with the tv on.

Rushing up the stairs, she hesitated for a moment just outside her destination.

The familiar white painted door with green and gold accents stared her in the face, her fingertips barely grazing the handle.

All she needed was two seconds of courage to open that door, and that was what she did.

Anthony was sat up on his bed, finishing off the jelly sandwich Alice had made him. Lucky the pixie like woman remembered he was allergic to peanuts.

When the Swan woman entered the room, her brother looked up in surprise.

"Bella!" He exclaimed, setting his plate off to the side and jumping up to stand in front of her.

"Hey-" She barely got through before she was brought into a bone crushing hug.

"I never saw you after the accident." Anthony sighed heavily, rocking her back and forth.

"You cannot comprehend how worried I was about you." The boy whispered.

"Yeah, I kinda got that when you had a panic attack." Isabella melted into the hug.

Anthony chuckled, swaying back and forth with his sister still in his arms.

It was quiet for a minute.

"God, Bells I'm so sorry. The yelling, the arguing- I just- I'm just trying to be there for you while I can, I need you to understand that I'm not the bad guy-"

"I know." Bella interrupted. "I know, Tony and I never saw you as the bad guy." She pulled away from the hug, shaking her head.

"I do love you, okay?" Anthony gripped her arms gently, looking her in her eyes before moving his hands up to the sides of her head. "I just wish things would go back to the way it was."

"It can." Bella assured.

"I wish we still hung out like when we were kids- I wish I was still your confidante."

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