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i. a funny thing !


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ONCE THEY'D GOTTEN HOME BELLA IMMEDIATELY DISAPPEARED INTO HER ROOM. Anthony knew what she was doing. She was going to find out what the Cullens were.

As much as he wanted to go with her and play dumb, he knew Charlie was far more vulnerable than her right now.

Tony found his father sitting on the front porch with a beer in one hand.

"Hey, Dad." The younger male Swan greeted as he sat next to his father.

Charlie only nodded to acknowledge Tony's presence, then took another swig of beer before passing it to Tony.

There was only a little left in the bottle, so Anthony finished it off and sat the empty glass down next to his foot.

It was silent. Not necessarily awkward as one would think. It was almost serene. The two, father and son, stared out into the dark. The ever present rain had let up and hung in the air as if waiting to cry for another lost soul. It was slightly foggy, and the street lights could only just be seen, dyeing the fog a light gold colour.

Charlie sighed as Anthony leaned into his side, offering some sort of comfort.

"It's a funny thing, isn't it?" Charlie spoke, his voice was a bit hollow as there were nearly no other noises surrounding them accept for the hum of Tony's oxygen tank.

"It is." Anthony agreed. He knew exactly what Charlie was talking about.

Life, it's a funny thing.

"I think," Tony began again, glancing at Charlie's side profile. "With this planet being so big, there are so many people we haven't met. We may pass by them on the street or share a glance and smile at a store, but the truth is we can't know everyone. Some people don't even put in the effort." Anthony looked down at his shoes as he dug the heel into the step below him.

"You should just be glad... Glad that you had the chance to know him at all. It's better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all." Tony finished, placing his hand and chin on his father's shoulder.

Charlie let out a breath and put his own hand over Tony's.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." He sighed.

It was quiet for another moment.

"C'mon, I've got something to show you." Charlie stood and helped Anthony up. Tony looked at him confusedly, but allowed Charlie to lead him around the side of the house until they were face to face with the door of the garage.

They had never used the garage, it was too small for any of the family's cars. Not even Charlie's police cruiser would fit through the green painted door.

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