Fleeting Love( Claude | Irithel )

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"Leo! Wait!" Irithel yelled as she runs after her partner.

Leo roared at the little monkey that teased it.

"Whoah! Whoah! Stop that thing!" Claude yelled as Dexter, his partner in crime, jumped on his shoulder.

Leo bared its teeth at the two until Irithel came.

"Calm down, jeez," she said as she ran her fingers on its fur. Leo slowly started to calm down.

Claude was in a trance as he gazed at the redhead girl. Irithel held her hip and glared at him.

"Keep an eye on that stupid monkey of yours!" she warned as she pointed at Dexter. She sat on Leo's back and motioned him to leave. Claude stared at her, thinking that he might have found someone worth fighting for. He, then, turned around and walked to the arena wherein he'll fight 'til death as he promised to the man whom he has to pay his debt to.

As he entered at the backstage of the wide arena, he could hear the loud and rowdy crowd.

"This will be our last fight, Dexter," he mumbled.

When the horn was blown, Claude walked towards the arena lit by the sun.

Across him, he saw a familiar figure. He adjusted his sight and his prediction was true.

The redhead girl he met earlier was the person he is ought to fight until one of them dies.

"We meet again," Irithel said as she loads her weapon. "Last man standing shall be the winner."

"What a cruel fate," Claude commented with a disappointed smirk.

The moment he found someone special was also the moment he shall end her life with his own hands.

As their fight starts, the crowd shouted for blood, for a real fight.

For Claude, who has been living an imprisoned life ever since he was young, freedom is a goal. And finding a woman to protect was a dream. And now, his dream seem to just stay as an illusion. His freedom weigh more than anything. Freedom is much more worth it than ditching his life over a woman.

He locked his weapon, meaning that his fight is over. His freedom? He achieved it at last. His dream? She's dying on the ground, with her blood bathing her. The ground sipping her scarlet blood. Her red hair which is of the same color as her blood, glimmers under the sunlight. And Leo lies beside her, dying just like his master.

"I'm sorry," Claude whispered as he takes his exit from the arena with his achieved freedom.

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