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I woke up one morning and found myself in a different body... a really different body.

And right now, just in front of me was my real body, my real body.

"What kind of situation is this?! Is this some kind of fiction story?!" Harith yelled and punched the wall. Let me remind you, Harith was inside my body while I was inside his.

I just couldn't believe that this kind of ridiculous situation would actually happen. This wasn't even some fictional world!

I snapped back to reality when I heard Harith click his tongue.

"Tsk... but really, Nana," he commented and just casually held the chest of my original body, "you've got some small bumps."

Even though my soul was inside his body, it was still harassment when he touched my body. Clenching my fist and with gritted teeth, I landed a full-powered punch right on his abdomen.

"Stop that, you bastard of a pervert!" I yelled. By the time he looked at me, I saw blood dripping from the nose. I ran up to him and wiped off the scarlet blood.

"I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry, my precious body!" she cried out that made Harith snap.

"I was the one who's hurt! Apologize to me and not to your body!" he yelled in front of me. He really pisses me off to the core even though he's inside my body. I slapped him on the face since I couldn't restrain myself.

Since we needed to go to school, we parted ways. However, I went to Harith's apartment since I had to pretend to be him until we switched back. But the moment I entered the bathroom, I stopped in my tracks and realized something.

I gulped and looked down at my pants. I ran out, grabbed my phone, and called Harith.

Upon answering the call, I yelled, "Don't you dare take off my clothes! Imma kill ya!"

However, Harith yelled back, "How the hell am I going to bathe, then?!"

There was a rather long pause which sent shivers down my spine. Just then I heard him sigh.

"Ya know, Nana, there is really nothing exciting about this," he said and ended the call.

Well, we had no choice but to deal with this for now. I shut my eyes and bathed and never dared touch that thing down there. What have I ever done to deserve this torture?!

After getting changed with my sanity barely intact, I felt something really, really bad. I needed to pee. But... But how do I even do that? You know, this thing down here, I don wanna see it, I don wanna see it! And I don ever wanna touch it! Ever!

For the second time, I dialed Harith's number and asked, "How... How do I, you know, take a leak? Wi-with this?"

For the 16 years of my existence on earth, this was the most embarrassing part of my life! This was humiliation! I cannot take it!

And instead of an answer, Harith laughed at the other side of the line. He still had the guts to be laughing when we were in such a great dilemma!

"Nana, you just gotta hold it, aim at the leaking bowl and let it go."

He was snickering. He was making fun of me. He was making fun of me a shit ton!

I ended the call after yelling at him. I had to deal with this myself and forget about that bastard! Entering the bathroom, I looked down and was hesitant to pull down the zipper. Damn it! Why?! Why the hell is this happening to me?!

I don wanna see it for broccoli's sake! I don wanna touch it for damn fish's sake! This is hell! This is nothing but torture!

Pulling down the zipper, I yelled, "NO!"

Just then, I found myself heaving while lying down on my bed. In front of me was Lylia's face totally puzzled. She was a roommate of mine in the Lion Academy dormitory.

"Did you have a nightmare? You really yelled 'no' so loud," she asked while munching some bread.

I immediately told her of that nightmarish experience. But instead of feeling goosebumps, she was grinning from ear to ear.

"You should have taken a look at it! That would be really epic!" she squealed, making me regret that I told her about it.

After getting ready for school, we got out of the dormitory building and Lylia just wouldn't shut up.

"Weren't you curious about the size, Nana? You really should have seen it," she kept on saying it while poking at my side.

"I'll never be curious at such a ridiculous thing! Like hell, I'd see it! Never! Even in my dreams, never!" I huffed.

The moment we took a turn, we bumped into Harley and Harith who just came out from the boys' dormitory. When I met Harith's gaze, he suddenly smirked and raised his eyebrows as if he had the same dream as me and was teasing the hell out of me. I immediately looked away, trying to forget that nightmare.

"Oho, someone's blushing," Lylia teased.

And that being said, I can already see myself being made fun of by her for the next few days until she's satisfied.

Mobile Legends AnthologyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora