Summoning A Demon(Zilong|Freya)

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"What are you, guys, up to?" Zilong asked as he entered the apartment of Alucard where the other guys were gathered in. His apartment was just on the other side so he decided to join their get-together.

His brownish hair was still wet for he just had his bath. His forehead creased in confusion upon seeing the weird drawings on a brown paper. There was a huge circle and a star was drawn inside it. More complex shapes were inside that huge circle. What was more intriguing were the four candles around it and the lights were off.

"Shhhh." Granger hushed him as he motioned him to join in the circle they formed around the drawing. Zilong simply shrugged before sitting beside Granger who seemed to be the one leading the whatever that weird thing they were doing.

He moved to Gord and with a low tone of voice, he asked, "What is going on?"

Gord opened his eyes and looked at him.

"We are summoning a goddess." His voice was deep and loud that everyone stared at him.

They narrowed their sight on him for disturbing the ritual they were supposed to do in perfect silence. He simply rolled his eyes as a response to their glares before shutting his eyes again.

Not wanting to spoil the fun, Zilong went along with them and closed his eyes as well. Granger started to speak, maybe chant, at a fast speed that Zilong cannot understand what he was saying. He suddenly felt a gust of wind, blowing his bangs.

Thinking that Alucard's window was just opened, Zilong opened his eyes yet pure darkness greeted him. The lit candles were all blown off and when he turned to his right where the window was located, his forehead creased.

The moonlight passed through the window and it was not opened, it was surely closed.

"Hey, where did that wind come from?" he asked which stopped Granger from his chanting and made everyone open their eyes.

Vale got up from his seat and opened the light. Zilong stared at him and asked, "You blew off the lights, didn't you?"

Vale shook his head while sitting back on his spot, "No, I am reprimanded by my father so he suppressed all my power. So yeah, no wind for me within a week."

"Zilong, you really are a slowpoke," Alucard snickered, patting him by the shoulder. "That is the power of summoning."

Zilong clicked his tongue and slapped his hand away, "And where is the goddess that you summoned?"

His eyebrow was raised yet upon meeting the gaze of Granger, he was being glared at.

"There is no goddess for you disturbed the ritual," he said.

Before anyone could speak again, a loud bang from the door made everyone widen their eyes and look at each other with scared looks. Another louder bang was heard as if the door would be in pieces if it was hit for the third time.

"Could it be the goddess?" Alucard mumbled.

"Open this damn door, Alu! I know you are in there!" They all heard Miya yelled from the other side of the door.

They all snickered upon hearing her voice as they gazed at Alucard who seemed to be in a big trouble. They all got up and gathered their things, ready to leave and let Alucard face his girlfriend alone.

"How dare you date Ruby when we are in a relationship?! Damn you, Alucard!"

The boys gulped as they shook their heads while staring at Alucard. Vale initiated to leave first and the others followed as he opened the door.

"Good luck, dude," Gord said.

As the door opened, they all got to see Miya whose eyes could pierce through them, her teeth bared and her hair disheveled. They lowered their head as they passed by in order not to receive her anger in anyway.

"You should go easy on him," Zilong stated before going inside his apartment. He shook his head for that night would be bad for Alucard.

Since it was almost midnight, Zilong headed to his room to have his rest. With his bedroom lighted by only one lampshade, it was enough to let him see his way on his bed.

But as he got on and pulled his blanket, his heart almost skipped a beat and goosebumps covered him. He gulped as he felt someone lying beside him and to confirm if it was truly a person, he slowly shifted his gaze on the other side of the bed and there he saw someone. It was a woman.

Zilong immediately stood up and turned the lights on, wanting to assure if it was for real or just some illusion. But with the bright light lighting the whole room, it is confirmed that it was a real woman.

She groaned as she opened her eyes and used her hand to cover the light. Her hair was of the same color as silver, her lips were as red as the red roses even her eyes. She was even wearing an armor as if she just finished a war.

"Turn off the light, it is annoying," she demanded, making Zilong scoff in disbelief.

"Whoever the hell you are, get your ass off from my bed and leave the apartment," he frankly said which ticked her off.

Her black wings as dark as the night appeared behind her and she immediately charges towards him who was defenseless. She pushed him against the wall until she is only a few centimeters away from him.

"I am your responsibility, you dumb freak. You summoned me out of nowhere so you better look after me," she hissed.

But Zilong was not even a bit threatened. He pushed her away and a half smile formed on his lips. "It wasn't me who summoned you, it was Granger so fly to him and leave me alone."

This time, it was Freya's turn to scoff in disbelief. Her eyes squinted as she raised her arm.

"It was you whom I am chained with," she said. And upon saying such words, a chain slowly appeared on Freya's wrist and as it appeared until the end, the chain was tied on Zilong's wrist as well.

"So, let us have a compromised living for the rest of our lives," Freya shrugged before having her wings disappear again. She removed her armor, only her inner clothing were left, before turning her back on him and lied down on the bed.

"Good night," she said, making herself comfortable before drifting off to sleep.

As for Alucard, he was all curved on the small sofa at his living room, trying to get his sleep. Miya was still mad at him as she slept on his bed and let him suffer for the rest of the night.

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