MLBB Academy: Zodiac Masters (B)

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Harley,  Nana and Harith are currently having their snacks at the gazebo.

"Hey, Harley, I have been hearing news of you being the genius mage of the academy. What can you do?" Nana asked out of curiosity. Her fluffy ears twitched as she waited for the response of the blond guy.

Somehow,  that gesture she was making made it seem cute for Harley for Nana looks like the cute hamster he used to take care of. Harith noticed the change of mood so he broke it with his sharp tongue.

"He can flash cards like how gamblers do when they're losing a game," he snorted which pissed off Harley.

It is true that he uses cards but they are not the usual cards one sees anywhere.

He summons the ace of heart in between his fingers.

"This card you just insulted can do more like how you use your magic keys," he stated. With just one flick, the card vanished in thin air. "Belittling other heroes here in the acadeny could wage war especially when two heroes are from different classes. But of course there are exceptions."

"And those exceptions are?" Nana wondered.

"The heroes assigned in specific squads," Harley replied and he gazed at Harith whose eyebrows are almost meeting at the center of his forehead.

"There are four recognized squads here in MLBB academy. SABER, VENOM, Lighborn and Oriental Fighters," Harley started to explain but the idea of explaining it at that moment would take quite a long time so he brushed it off by finishing his snacks.

"We'll have to pass by the President's Office so let's hurry," he said as he leads the way out from the garden.

"So, the remaining Zodiac masters are Martis the 'Capricorn',  Zhask the 'Cancer', Minotaur the 'Taurus' and Hilda the 'Aries.' They'll be our instructors in the future so we'll get to know them later."

As they walk along the long hallway, the ringing sound rang around and all the heroes brought out their mobile watches and with just one tap of their finger, a hologram appeared.

"How's your lunch, heroes?!" Layla greeted with a wide smile. "I am your favorite heroporter, Layla! Grab your desserts and witness the first match of the week! But today is a bit special so it will be a three-on-three match under the surveillance of MLBB academy's president and vice-president! Without further ado, let us all meet today's competitors!"

"What's going on?" Nana asked, confused.

"A match is about to begin, how about we watch it for a bit?" Harley suggested and the two happily complied.

But before they could even make a step out from their original position, the Portal of Legends opened above them and summoned them to Land of Dawn, the battlefield for every match in MLBB Academy.

"Eh! What's going on?!" Nana panicked upon seeing the turrets and their base in front of her. She has never been in a match before and it made her more nervous.

"As a welcome party for the new students of MLBB academy, they shall experience their very first match against each other. But on each team, skilled mages shall help them out!"

"Hey, Alucard, watch the match. We might be able to recruit a good mage for our squad, " Granger said. He is the marksman of the Lightborn squad.

"What a great welcoming party this is, " Harith said, sarcasm evident on his voice.

With a crooked smile and shaking off the shocked state, Harley replied, "This is mostly the scheme of the two sly Zodiac Masters."

He scanned the battlefield and above them, there are two floating chambers overlooking the whole of Land of Dawn. Harley pointed at them.

"You see those two? They are "Gemini", Selena and Karina. They are the president and vice-president of the academy and going against them would be the worst decision to do so let's do our best in this match."

"Can't we just get to know the Zodiac Masters and not fight?" Nana mumbled to herself.

"Sagittarius is Irithel, she's a marksman who fights alongside Leo, her best comrade probably," Harley added, trying to distract himself for he already knows who they are against with.

"Those aren't really important right now. We have to fight," Harith interrupted. His eyes, though, reflect the excitement building up inside him.

A/N: Do comment for dedications in the next chapters.

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