How Love Blossomed(Harley|Harith)

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(Notice: This one-shot is BxB that was requested. If it isn't your cup of tea, then proceed to the next story.)

Harith was the timid type of student who, as much as possible, avoid talking to anyone. He never liked long conversations. He preferred to sit on a corner and do whatever he liked without anyone disturbing him.


With the girls squealing while looking outside the window, Harith could not focus on the reviewer he was reading. He glared at the girls who tried to act cute and raise their voices while waving and giving flying kisses towards the soccer field just outside the building of their classroom.

"Uwah! He winked at me!"

"I feel like fainting!"

Their homeroom teacher was absent, thus, they had two hours of free time. However, Harith couldn't get his peaceful time because of some annoying girls. He had no choice but to leave their classroom and go down the first floor where the library was. As he walked in the hallway, the soccer field was in full view where the other guys were playing.

The very first one he noticed was none other than the star player of their school's soccer team and the dream guy of almost all girls, Harley Vance. He was his total opposite for it seemed like Harley liked getting all the attention of people around him.


Nana's voice brought Harith back to his senses. He faced the girl he had known since primary school whose face was turning red.

"I... baked some cookies last night," Nana stated while fidgeting as she handed a wrapped box to him. "P-Please have some."

Before he could say his gratitude, Nana dashed away before her heart explodes. A smile simply curved at the edge of his lips before he went down the stairs. With his mind stuck at the sudden change of Nana's approach towards him, he did not see the ball whooshing right at him. He was almost at the last step of the stair when the ball hit him hard right on the head, causing him to falter and made a wrong step.

Lying helplessly on the floor, Harith gathered his thoughts and was about to stand on his own. But then, he felt a sharp pang of pain on his right foot.

"Sorry, boy, I didn't see you coming down from the stairs. But be more aware of your surroundings, got it?" Harley said as he offered his hand to help him stand.

Annoyed at his condescending attitude, Harith slapped his hand away and never dared look at him. Walking limply, he still headed towards the library without spouting a word. Making Harley his enemy would also mean making everyone in his fanclub hate him.

"That's not the way to the infirmary, feline." Harley interjected as he grabbed Harith's arm and put it across his shoulder to help him walk. He shooed him away but Harley was so insistent in taking him to the infirmary because not only did he sprain his ankle but he received a painful whack on the head.

"The nurse isn't here again so just leave me alone. I can manage myself," Harith mumbled as he pushed him away and sat on the bed.

"She's probably at the back of the school flirting with some guy," Harley said as he snatched some bandage and cold packs from the drawer.

Harith narrowed his sight on him, watching his every move. With the tone of his voice, he could infer that Harley was sure that the nurse was indeed flirting with a guy during her work hours. Thus, he asked him how he got to know that information.

Harley handed to him the cold pack for his head before squatting on the floor so he could put some safety bandage on his sprained ankle.

"Well, I flirted with her several times," he responded which only made Harith roll his eyes. He wouldn't be so surprised but he didn't expect that he'd also be into older women.

Out of annoyance, Harith kicked him after his foot was neatly bandaged.

"You probably lack affection at home that you seek such intimate relationship from other people," he stated, "at least that's how psychology perceive it."

Now that his business in the infirmary was done, he stood to leave but he halted when Harley laughed at him.

He simply shook his head and walked to the door. However, before he could reach for the doorknob, Harley held it first as he loomed over his small stature.

"What you just said seemed interesting but why don't you try to know me more, feline?" Harley whispered on his ear with a smirk.

Their closeness made Harith turn red and mute in no time, not just for the reason that he could feel Harley's warmth but also because he is ticklish whenever someone's breath would reach his ears. His reaction entertained Harley that it made him want to see more of his troubled face.

Harley opened the door and got out first.

"Besides, a little information wouldn't prove your statement unless deeper research and longer observation is done. That's how psychology works, feline."

Harley turned on his heels and saw the still blushing cheeks of Harith. With the eyes of a hungry predator, he looked at the frozen state of Harith that seemed to resemble a frightened cat.

"I'll await your final evaluation about my situation. Until then, do not dare look at any other person or I'll bite you," he warned him with a smile that seem to hide a lot of secrets. And it was a killer smile that made Harith lose his strength to even stand.

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