Chapter 1

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Olivia's POV

"Olivia!" Dinah called out to me aggressively grabbing my arm making me wince and shove her away from me. "Have you seen the new music teacher, she is so hot!" She asked with a flirtatious look on her face. I rolled my eyes looking away from my best friend to open my locker.

"No, I didn't even know we had a new teacher, what happened to Mr. Simpson?" I questioned pulling out the textbooks I need for my next class. She started laughing and explained that he had been fired for gross misconduct.

"... the rumour is that he slept with a student, you know Ashley." She finished. I nodded a little disappointed and quite disgusted. I really quite liked Mr Simpson, he was a great Music Teacher. I don't understand why a student would ever want a relationship with their teacher.

"Guys! I can't believe he actually slept with Ashley!" Normani said joining our conversation. Ally gasped and looked at us waiting for us to confirm that the rumour is true. I don't know how we are supposed to know what Ashley does, I know she is my ex girlfriend but we don't talk anymore. Although, Dinah fuelled the gossip by nodding and starts revealing more details about the forbidden romance; if it was even a romance and not a one night stand.

"I really need to get the class." I say interrupting them walking away with them trailing behind still gossiping about the student teacher love affair.

I heard little taps of someone trying to catch up to me and feel someone loop their arm in mine.

"Are you okay Livvy, I know how much you liked Mr. Simpson and that Ashley is your ex?" Ally said kindly. I just smiled and nodded, "yes, he is just a teacher and from what I have heard from Dinah, the new teacher is going to be just as good. Ashley is in the past, I don't care who she sleeps with."

"Just as good, she is going to get better!" Dinah said wrapping her arm around my shoulder and pushing Ally away from me.

"Dinah! Don't push Ally!" Normani squealed wrapping her arms around Ally. I smirked knowing Normani has a large soft spot for little Ally.

I walked into my English and immediately here the chatter about the new music teacher. Who is she and why does she have such an effect on all the students? I sat down and placed my textbook gently on my desk, waiting for the class to start.

Miss. Cabello walks in looking a little flustered, soon the noise of class started to fade as students turned their attention to our teacher. She smiled at us all and started to call our names for attendance.

"Have you met the new teacher Miss. Cabello?" Shawn asks. She immediately blushes and nods, "she seems... nice." She said the blush still apparent on her face. She continues with attendance and starts the lesson telling us to take notes after going over the objectives of the class.

English is my second favourite class, my first would have to be music. However, music may not be my favourite class anymore if this new teacher is terrible. I just hope she doesn't allow the attention to get to her head.

The bell rings signalling the end of class and the chaos starts as we all frantically pack away our belongings hoping to get to our next class on time so we don't receive any punishments for tardiness. My next class is Math, my least favourite class. After Math class it is lunch.

Walking into the cafeteria, the smell of the school food invades my nose. It really is disgusting, how they are legally allowed to serve us the slop they do will always concern me. I quickly spot the girls and make my way to their table.

"How was class with Miss Cabello?" Dinah asks looking across at her lovingly as Miss Cabello chats to other members of staff. I laugh and push her gently.

"Class was great, now stop staring at her. I think she likes the new teacher." I said joining in with the gossip that I normally ignore. Dinah was slightly saddened by my comments and questioned me further as to why I came to the conclusion that my English teacher likes my new music teacher. I started to tell her about the interaction she had with Shawn and the blush that barely left her face whenever the mysterious teacher was mentioned.

Dinah rolled her eyes and ate her lunch with a slight pout on her face making me, Normani and Ally giggle. We all talked about pointless topics as we ate our lunches.

The thought of going to music made me feel physically sick, I don't understand why I was so nervous to meet this new teacher. I said goodbye to the girls mentioning that I will see them in music. Music is the only class that four of us are in together, which is great as it is all of our favourite class. I made my way to my locker to get my books for my afternoon classes.

First I have History and then my last class of the day, music, which I am slightly nervous about.

The teacher starts a group discussion about Ancient Egypt as we all take notes and join in stating the random facts we have accumulated throughout our time in his class.

Soon the bell rings and I slowly pack up my books and make my way to the music room.

I walk in and head towards the girls, sitting down next to them. I hear the excited squeals of the girls eagerly sitting near the front as the teacher walks in. I continued my conversation with Ally until she spoke.

"Good Afternoon, I am your new music teacher, Miss Jauregui."

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