seven \\ "you take away something i love, i take away something you love"

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It was Momo's one month anniversary since moving in and Shouto and Denki had agreed (reluctantly, I might add) to Izuku's suggestion to throw Momo a small celebration. Shouto had never been one to celebrate anything. He didn't celebrate Christmas or Thanksgiving or Easter or really any holidays except Valentine's day and what he did couldn't even be called celebrating. Mostly, what he and the guys did was go to bars and meet lonely hot chicks. Of course, Izuku was never down for this so they went with Sero and Mina (their resident Bi Friend™, in case you were wondering). 

But, Shouto figured that she had made an impact on their lives (though he would only ever admit it was for the better if you tortured the information out of him) and they had missed her actual birthday by only a week when she moved in, so why not, right? Plus, the worst that could happen was that the dual-haired man was forced to participate in some stupid tradition of festivity that he would hate, and then it would be over. At least it was for someone and not because it happened to be another day of another month that someone a long time ago deemed special for whatever reason. 

Izuku, on the other hand, was ecstatic about the whole thing. Of course, he and Momo were much closer than the other two guys were to her, so it made sense that he would feel more comfortable throwing her something of a party, but he hoped they could still get into it. And so far, everything seemed to be going pretty well. Denki was actually getting into the whole, 'making her a cake for her really belated birthday' thing and with as little enthusiasm as possible, Shouto was writing her a card. Izuku saw this as an improvement because normally, the dual-eyed man would've just declined to participate altogether. 

"God, we're not going to have to do that whole hiding and then jumping out thing, right? Becuase that's stupid and I'm telling you right now that, Momo's an okay roommate, but it'll be a cold day in hell before I do that shit," Shouto mumbled as he wrote something generic in his sloppiest form of handwriting as quickly as humanly possible in the bland white card. 

"Don't worry, Sho. This isn't some tacky kid's party," Izuku said as he removed a batter covered spatula from Denki's hand to prevent him from licking it. Denki Kaminari had a bad habit of eating things he wasn't supposed to like brownie batter, which, in case you were wondering, he actually did get salmonella from. And yet he still insisted on eating raw cookie dough out of the bowl when Izuku got around to baking and licking cake batter from the spatula. "Don't even think of it as a party. We're just letting her know we like her living here." The cakes would be done any minute now and there was still clean up to be done that Denki hadn't already finished with his tongue. 

"Speak for yourself," Shouto muttered under his breath in response. It was almost inaudible, but Izuku and his super senses caught it and the freckled boy whipped around with a look of disappointment etched onto his features. He knew his friend was cold but yikes. 

However, just as he was about to call the dual-haired boy out on his rudeness, the door swung open and the raven-haired girl they had just been discussing entered the apartment, her hair falling across her shoulders, her midnight eyes looking tired. 

"Hey, Momo!" Izuku greeted brightly and perfectly in time with the oven beeping to signal the arrival of the cakes. Momo's expression visibly brightened when she saw two of her roommates in the kitchen, one in a pink apron, the other holding a batter covered spatula. This piqued her interest and her fatigue was quickly forgotten after her long day.

"What's going on?" Momo asked innocently tilting her head to the side in the way a kitten might do as Izuku slipped on some oven mitts and carefully removed the cake from the oven. Izuku just smiled as he removed the cake from its pan and set it on a plate, beginning to frost it. Momo could tell that neither were experienced bakers or really even meeting the bar of amateur as he probably should've put the cake on a cooling rack and let it cool before frosting it, but she didn't mention it. There was something too innocent about the guys baking for her to interrupt it. 

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