thirty-one \\ "and you kissed me..." pt. 2

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"Fine! You really want to know!?" He was nearly screaming now. "You grabbed my dick!" At his words, it was as if all the angry energy suddenly drained from the room and was replaced with pure shock on both their parts. But, much to Momo's dismay, Shouto wasn't done coming clean quite yet. "And you kissed me..."

There was a moment of silence that filled the entire apartment, stretching to fill every corner in which Momo just stared at him blankly, momentarily uncomprehending. That was a very scary moment for Shouto. Up there in the top ten with the time he'd broken his leg attempting and failing to ride a horse, and the time he got locked in a closet because he thought it was a pull door instead of a push door.

He waited patiently for her to start screaming or pass out or really just say anything to cure the aching silence between them. Anything had to be better than what they were currently doing which was pretty much just staring at each other blankly. Honestly, he didn't care if she started screaming at him or punched him in the face, but the anticipation was literally giving him a headache.

"So are you gonna say any-" The answer to the question he didn't get to finish before she was grabbing her sweater and making her way to the door was 'no.' Her silky black hair flipped behind her as she turned on her heel away from him and exited the apartment without another word.

The sound of the door swinging closed was the only noise that echoed around the apartment in the silence that followed, and for a moment, Shouto was confused. Did she just run away from him? And did she just run away without shoes? Was she mad at him? Should this concern him? 

It was almost a relief if he was being honest. I mean, true, he didn't know where she was going which effectively meant he'd actually lost two of his roommates in one day, but at least they weren't standing in awkward silence while each waited for the other to say something anymore. The only problem was that she'd left her phone and her keys and also her shoes. So she was out there in pajama shorts, a tank top, and a cardigan with no footwear and no way of telling anyone where she was-

"Fuck, now I have to go find her," Shouto snapped from his trance at the realization. Sadly, unlike Denki, Shouto wasn't sure he could find Momo eating her feelings in pancakes at a Denny's at three in the morning, which meant that she could be anywhere in the city and he would just have to walk to find her. Because there was no fucking way he was going to try and convince Parking Garage Jim to save his spot.

So, he mentally prepared himself for an entire night of searching for his roommate. God, he should've just kept his mouth shut. Scratch that, he should've just run away first, then who would have to look for who at midnight because they stupidly blurted out a friendship-ruining detail. I mean, still him but that's not the point.

He slipped on his tennis shoes, grabbed his phone and keys (because one of them needed to get back into the apartment at least), and grabbed Momo's phone too before heading out the door. She would probably be wanting it, and he was nothing if not a good friend. Bad roommate, good friend. You could be both, right?

After an elevator ride that didn't take long enough and the briefest of interactions with the emo, gay teenage doorman who never did his job but was kept on the payroll because his mom was rich, Shouto pushed his way out into the early March nighttime air. Damn, it was surprisingly cold. He should've brought a jacket. But he just blew out a sigh. He was way too lazy to go all the way back up to his apartment. Plus, that would mean eye-liner wearing Kirk would probably call him a "fine-ass bitch" again, and Shouto wasn't ready to explain why their age difference would never work. He'd been doing it for a year but the point never seemed to hit home. 

God, he should just let her stay out there all night, find her own way back if she didn't freeze to death first. Why was he even doing this? It mildly frustrated him that the thought of her being out there alone in the cold made his chest ache. And it not-so-mildly frustrated him that his stupid brain wouldn't let him relax until he found her. Most people always said Shouto was completely emotionless, which wasn't true, but sometimes he wished it was. It certainly would've been preferable. 

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