twenty-three \\ "marissa?"

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It was late one night about a week later when Shouto almost broke the rule he didn't even know existed. Momo had been surprised at the fact that he seemingly didn't even look at the framed contract hanging on the wall for all eyes to see even once within the past week. But what was even more surprising was that he had actually stayed within the confines of the rule for seven whole days. Do you know what that means?

That means Shouto Todoroki managed to score before midnight seven days in a row. Managing to pick up a girl a night while still managing the excessive amount of school work at the beginning of the winter semester was a feat in and if itself. Momo had to guess that he was just making up for lost time over winter break.

And she actually didn't mind him getting hit bad heavy with some girl in the other room when she was studying because she could just block him out with her headphones. But the problem came when he unwittingly broke the rule he hadn't bothered to read seven days ago. If he had remembered to check the updated contract, he would've seen that no sex in the apartment after midnight was clearly stated in neat handwriting with almost computer-like precision. And he would've spared them a very long night and a lot of unnecessary trouble.

It was exactly three thirty-seven in the morning when Momo was woken up by someone loudly moaning her roommate's name. At first, in her delirious state through a haze of sleep, she thought it was in her head, a figment of her imagination. But when someone interrupted her peaceful sleep by knocking over something that proceeded to shatter, she was forced to ignore it no longer.

Momo wanted to scream.

But she didn't. Instead, she practically ripped the covers off her body and swung her legs over the side of the bed. The chill of the nighttime and the cold hardwood floors against her bare feet stung a little, but she ignored it in favor of marching to her door and tearing it open with the tried-eyed rage of a girl who'd just been woken up by two people fucking. Again.

She was already sleep-deprived enough as it was with the stress of going back to school while also having to search for an actual job, and that was before living with Denki and Shouto day in and day out and having to listen to Kyoka gripe about her latest fling being 'and absolute dick-ass bitch.' Hell if she was going to put up with her roommate getting it on in the room across the hall from hers when she couldn't even get a good night's sleep because of him.

In the darkness of the night, she snatched The Roommate Contract off its place on the wall and marched back down the hallway toward Shouto's room in her pajama shorts and a tank top, ingrown the goosebumps forming on her skin with skillful aggression. The thought of seeing his face when she walked in on him being a whore warmed her.

She ripped his door open without a hint of remorse and was met with the sight of a girl basically rolling off the bed while her dual-haired roommate hastily pulled the sheets over himself to cover his dick. Momo raised a tired eyebrow before throwing the framed contract on the bed and leaning against his doorframe with a sleepy indignation that gave way to a yawn.

"Momo what the fuck?!" Shouto yelled at her, ignoring her very valid reason for barging in on him while he was having sex. They'd talked about this before, it's not like he wasn't perfectly aware. And yet he still had the nerve to get mad at her. Of course, she could've waited until morning, but then she would just have to accept not getting any sleep and he would probably still do it again even if he didn't learn from experience.

"Read it," She said simply, watching with satisfaction as his eyes widened in something between surprise and annoyance. His lips curled into a frown and his eyebrows raised in a look that Momo could read perfectly as the 'are you fucking kidding me right now?' expression that was about to turn into a glare and a screaming match between the two roommates. It always devolved into that eventually.

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