seventeen \\ "so, you do wanna kiss me?"

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New Year's had crept up on Momo faster than she was expecting. Of course, she knew that it had only been a couple of days until the holiday when they went to the mall, but it hadn't really registered until her Mom called her about the card (it was adorable how weepy her mother got about her daughter's displays of affection). Now, she was freaking out slightly becuase she hadn't realized just how soon school would be starting back up again, and she wasn't quite ready to give up her freedom just yet. 

"And my bio professor hates me. I'm dead serious. I can't even teachers pet my way out of this. He just has it in for me!" Momo heaved a dramatic sigh as she threw her arms up and accidentally fell off the couch becuase of it, landing face-first on the rug. "Ow shit," She swore, earning a genuine laugh of amusement form her dual-haired roommate who sat, handsome as ever, with his reading glasses perched on the bridge of his nose as he turned his attention back to his book. Momo pouted slightly as she turned herself onto her back, laying in the small space between the couch and the coffee table. "You don't have to laugh, meanie." 

"Yeah, I do. Look at you. Yesterday you tripped on air and almost broke your arm," He raised an eyebrow at her, casting a downward glance at her with those heterochromatic eyes of his, taunting with one look. She pushed out her bottom lip, her eyebrows furrowing and forming a look he was particularly weak against that spurred him to continue with, "I say this with love, Peaches, but I saw you knee yourself in the face while trying to trim your toenails. You're a clumsy fuck. But don't worry, some guys find that cute." He assured her mockingly.

"Asshole," She muttered despite the fact that she couldn't exactly deny it becuase what he was saying was true, but that didn't mean she had to like being called out on it. Momo knew she was clumsy and it was something of a sensitive subject for her. It wasn't that Momo couldn't take a joke, but Shouto teased her about everything. There was really no reason for him to add things to torment her about. "Why aren't you stressed out about this?" 

"Becuase unlike you, I'm not a people pleaser who wants their teachers to like them," He nudged her with his foot and she adjusted to a sitting position, resting her head on his knee like a sad puppy dog as she pouted harder at him. He suppressed the urge to just look at her, taking in her glossy lips and the strands of silky hair falling over her eyes and the soft flutter of her long lashes. He just forced his eyes back to his book. "Look, you're smarter than me and I have a straight-A average as an Aerospace major," He smirked at her. 

"I can't tell if you were bragging to me or complimenting me," She sat next to him on the couch, resting on his shoulder as if it were the most normal thing to do and forcing him to pretend as though it didn't set his insides on fire and cause him to lose focus on what he was doing. 

"Hint, it was both," He smiled, setting down his book and taking off his reading glasses. Momo almost let herself sigh as he took them off before she realized that they weren't in a relationship where she was allowed to think he was cute with glasses and hot without them. So, she bit her lip and tried to direct her mind back to what she was previously stressing about. "Look, Peaches, you could always do what I do and skip the classes that are boring as fuck because you already know what they're talking about."

"How are you an adult?" Her eyebrows scrunched up at such distressing news. She knew that Shouto was never really big on studying and preferred to spend his time with women or getting in arguments with Denki, but she never thought he actually skipped class. I mean, she knew that they were adults and it wasn't like cutting class in high school, but still.

"All I'm saying is, that as long as you get undeniably outstanding grades, it doesn't even matter if they have a voodoo doll of you in their office that they like to poke with pins when they're angry," He shrugged like he hadn't just given disturbing detail into something that Momo was really hoping wasn't something he'd actually experienced. Her confused expression must've said it all becuase he followed it up with, "That was actually Ms. Stanton in tenth grade. She hated me. With a passion." 

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