fourteen \\ "have you ever fucked a girl before?"

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To say the least, Momo wasn't happy when she woke up the next morning on the couch, her face covered in irremovable puffy stickers. She actually hadn't noticed them at first. She went about the first five minutes of her morning like everything was normal, until she stepped into the bathroom and was met with the sight of her face dotted with candy-colored stickers in the shapes of unicorns and teddy bears. That's when she freaked the fuck out.

Now, you should know something about Momo Yaoyorozu. She didn't freak out like most normal people. She didn't scream, she didn't get upset, she didn't yell, she didn't even raise her voice. In fact, the only thing she actually did, was beat you down with form of passive-aggressiveness that heavily leaned toward the aggressive side until you felt like you were going crazy and begged her for forgiveness. It was really an age-old tactic and Momo had it down to an art. 

This is why, when she stepped into the bathroom and found her face covered in puffy sticker freckles, she inhaled a deep breath to calm her anger, and closed her eyes. She decided at that moment that there were two ways this could go down: One, she was able to easily peel the stickers off her face and then she would verbally reprimand her roommate for his stupidity and rudeness, or two, she wouldn't be able to get them off, and then she would be a passive-aggressive bitch about it becuase she earned the right to be. 

Her dual-haired roommate was still asleep, sprawled across his bed, as she tried to peel the stickers off her face only to find that they were, in fact, fused to her skin like someone had superglued them on there. Great. Not only did she now have stickers permanently stuck to her face, but she was also in a large amount of physical pain. Shouto Todoroki was going to pay the price for his actions. 

It was still early in the morning (well, early considering it was winter break, so like, eight in the morning) as Momo crept on tiptoes from the bathroom and into the kitchen filled with half-working appliances. The worn wood floors were warm against her feet (surprisingly) and the nearly silent hum of the heating system was ever-present in the background as she unplugged the coffee machine noiselessly. 

You see, Momo preferred coffee, but she was perfectly fine drinking tea and both could satisfy her need for caffeine, but Shouto always said that tea just tasted "like someone put dead foliage in water and called it a drink." Without coffee, he was an absolute zombie and Momo knew that for a fact becuase of the two times they had run out and forced her to go the store to get more. If he was going to vandalize her face and put her through physical pain, she was going to put him through caffeine withdrawal. 

She tiptoed carefully back to her room, avoiding the creaky floorboard that the guys insisted on stepping on way too early in the morning or way too late at night. Like seriously, they had been living there for way longer than she had and she already knew where the floorboard to avoid was. How could they not? Across the hall, she could see Shouto mumble something in his sleep before proceeding to flop over the side of his bed, one arm hanging off. She stopped in her tracks for a moment before she realized he was still asleep. She pushed the thought from her mind as she entered her neatly organized room. 

Where to hide an entire coffee machine was the question. Under her bed was too obvious and the closet was the first place they'd look. There wasn't space to put it in her desk...although both the bottom drawers had hidden compartments in the back becuase it was a vintage desk from the 1600s or something. They were so extra back then. 

Setting the coffee machine silently on her desk, she used all her control to slide the desk away from the wall as quietly as possible, making sure to only slide it out just far enough that she could slip the coffee machine in without issue. 

Once she was done and she had slid the desk back into place, she breathed a sigh of relief and a small wave of pride washed over her. She knew that hiding the coffee machine from her roommate until he found a way to undo the damage he'd done to her face wasn't exactly something to make a point of pride, but there was something deliciously sadistic about the prospect of watching the ever-cocky Shouto Todoroki crumble under the weight of caffeine withdrawal. 

This was going to be more fun for her than it was for him. 


Momo was sipping her tea when Shouto finally rose from his slumber around nine, her fat penguin mug warmed by sweet earl gray tea that defrosted her icy fingers. She smiled at him like the villain in a bond movie as she watched him groggily run a hand through his hair as he made his way toward the kitchen, no doubt to prepare his routine morning coffee. She bit her lip to keep herself from smiling too much because damn, would he be in for a surprise.

She side-eyed him, a malicious smile creeping across her full lips as she watched him stare in utter confusion at the place where the coffee machine used to be, probably questioning if he was going insane or not. But she suppressed the urge to give away too much emotion because that would be no fun. Instead, she just said casually and clamly, 

"I have stickers on my face. Shouto, they're fused to my face. Would you happen to know why?" She heard an almost giggle from behind her but he did a really good job of hiding it by clearing his throat before he turned around to face her with raised eyebrows. She looked at him quizzically, patiently awaiting his answer. 

"Nope," He shrugged, his expression a perfect mixture of genuine confusion and a blank stare that completely and totally gave away the fact that he was a dirty fucking liar. But Momo being the calm and collected person just nodded and went back to sipping on her tea before she calmly informed him,

"Then I guess I don't know where your precious coffee machine is." 

"You didn't...Oh fucking- You know this is hurting you as much as it hurts me, right?" He scrubbed an exhausted hand over his face and she smiled brightly at him, pulling her soft blanket tighter around her cold shoulders. He just glared at her with dead eyes and a deep scowl etched onto his handsome features. 

"Maybe...but I also drink tea. I'm like bisexuality or one of those doors you can either push or pull on," She said, earning furrowed eyebrows and a stark look of confusion from her dual-haired roommate. "I can swing both ways." With that she stood up, setting the tea mug down on the steel kitchen island countertop and making her way to the bathroom to take a shower.

He stumbled after her sleepily, his brain focusing in on only one part of that sentence, forgetting the rest as it was too challenging to try and recall times in his life when he'd actually encountered a push and pull door. 

"Wait, you're bi?!" He asked, trailing her down the hallway like a lost puppy dog and stopping just short of the bathroom door as she made her way inside. Was she actually bi? Had she had sex with a girl before? Was it wrong that that was the ifrst question that popped to his mind? And if she was bi, did she like girls or guys more? The coffee machine was now far from his mind as she abruptly turned around to face him, one hand on the door, another on the doorframe as she glared at him rather threateningly.

"You won't know until you find a way to get these fucking stickers off my face," She slammed the door in his face but he wasn't giving up that easily. 

"Have you fucked a girl before?" 

"You might wanna start looking for that coffee machine if you want to graduate college with any sanity left." Was her answer. 

»—————————–~à suivre

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