thirty \\ "and you kissed me..." pt. 1

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Shouto wasn't really one to overthink things, especially when it came to handsy drunk girls, and he totally wasn't...but with Momo there was a lot to think about. Almost too much. Like, one, why? Why would she kiss him? It didn't even make sense. She didn't have feelings for him, they had an actual rule about that. So there was no reason for her to do that. Also, if there was a reason behind it, what was it? Was she just really horny? That could be an explanation... Also why the actual fuck did he enjoy it so much? Like, she tasted so good. You weren't supposed to be thinking that about your roommate.

And the worst part was that she wouldn't leave him alone. It was like she used every chance she got to torment him- not that he had feelings for her, because he didn't. You could think someone smelled really good like peaches and vanilla and find them really, really attractive to the point where you kind of wanted to make out with them, and not have romantic feelings for them. Which is why it sucked when she pressed herself up against him while they watched movies, and insisted on dragging him around by the hand when they went shopping literally anywhere. Like, what was the point!? Couldn't she just tell him where she wanted to go? It's like she was doing it on purpose.

But like I said, he wasn't overthinking it. All he needed was a good distraction and in a few weeks, he would forget the kiss even happened. It was just a drunk kiss. It didn't mean anything, right?

"Izuku, what did you mean?!" The door suddenly slammed open, drawing both Shouto and Izuku's attention.

"I didn't mean anything! It was an accident! I was just making shit up!" Izuku was visibly sweating and his green eyes were wide with fear like a deer in headlights as he stared at Denki and Shouto in a silent plea for help. The dual-haired man and the blond looked at each other in stark confusion for a second before Momo filled the silence for them.

"You can't accidentally make that up, Izu!" Momo was clearly very unhappy and it was actually starting to scare the three guys who were looking back and forth at each other, trying and failing to silently communicate through eye-contact.

"What's happening?" Denki paused the video game he had been glued to for the past hour for a second, a sense of unease creeping its way up his spine. "Is everything all good?" Momo's eyes suddenly snapped to him in a way that caused the blond to take a step back in fear. Did...he say something wrong? "Um...what's happening here?"

"You slept with my best friend?!" The raven-haired girl looked at him in horror and Denki almost screamed. Why, why, WHY did he tell Izuku? Everyone knew Izuku couldn't keep a secret. Izuku knew that Izuku couldn't keep a secret! And now he was totally fucked. He was going to have to move to Canada and live in the mountains completely off the grid with no wifi or anything and hunt his own food and drink rainwater or something. Oh god, this was very bad.

"HOW THE FUCK DID SHE KNOW?!" Denki gestured to his two other roommates, who just looked at him, mirroring his panic. Now this, this was the distraction Shouto needed.

Momo sat across from her blond roommate, leaning her elbows on her knees and shifting every few seconds, trying to find a position that didn't make this whole thing even more uncomfortable. She knew she shouldn't be mad, but she couldn't help it. And she wasn't even mad that they slept together. They were both consenting adults, they could sleep with whoever they wanted, but the fact that they hadn't told her irked her. Actually, the fact that they'd told everyone except her, was what made her mad. They were supposed to be friends. Hell, they were roommates. If Denki was lying to her about sleeping with her best friend, what else were they keeping from her?

"I'm not mad," She lied to herself at a whisper, unable to even hold eye contact with him at the moment. She wasn't disgusted with them or anything, it was just the mental image of them that she couldn't handle as she stared off somewhere distant and tried to gather her thoughts. "I am not mad."

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