twenty- nine \\ "it's not true love"

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"So, how was your date?" Shouto asked as Momo entered through the door in her mint green dress, cardigan wrapped tight around her shoulders from the slightest bit of chill of March nights. He tried to keep the annoyance out of his voice as he said it. And the stupid thing was that he didn't even know why he was annoyed.

For all he knew, the guy she was going out with (that he'd already forgotten the name of) was a perfectly nice guy who would be really good for her and make her happy. But it didn't mean he had to like the fact that they were dating. It just didn't feel right. And it wasn't because he liked her like that. Obviously not, that would be breaking the rules. Just becuase you liked spending time with someone and they made you laugh and sometimes they made you blush, that did not mean that you liked them.

"It was...nice," Momo paused before the last word, as if trying to settle on an adjective to describe it. In truth, it hadn't been anything particularly special. There had been a lot of flirting on Yosetsu's part, occasionally to the point where it made Momo a little uncomfortable, and more than once she'd excused herself to the bathroom to clear her head and he'd offered to go with her? But overall, it was mostly just reminiscing about high school and catching up on each other's lives. Nice.

"Nice? Like, on a scale from one to ten-" He started but she just cut him off with an exasperated giggle.

"Shouto, it was the first date. It was a little awkward and it was mostly just us reminiscing about high school. But yes, it was nice," Momo emphasized as she kicked off the high heels that had been hell on her feet all night. One thing was for sure, on the second date, she was wearing flats at best. She could barely even walk in the shoes she'd worn that night. "It's not true love, Shouto."

" it at least true like?" He asked her looking up at her and away from the movie he was watching nearly silently, the blue-light emanating off the TV reflecting off his round glasses and highlighting his heterochromatic eyes. There was silence in response to his question as she thought about how to answer that. It was only the first date. It wasn't like there was supposed to be some sort of burning flame, right? To be fair, Momo hadn't been on an extraordinary amount of first dates, but she knew feelings grew over time, right?

The thing was that she didn't feel like answering her roommate's questions about her date at the moment. So, she just slid onto the couch next to him, relaxing her posture and letting her dress get wrinkled as she leaned on the arm of the couch and laid her feet across him. It wasn't that she didn't like talking to Shouto, the date just hadn't been what she was expecting, and she didn't really want to talk about it.

"My feet really hurt," She indirectly hinted at her need for a foot massage, looking at him expectantly as he rolled his eyes at her changing the subject. It was obvious that she didn't really want to talk about her date, and normally that wouldn't have stopped him, but she looked really pretty in her dress with her hair up. And how was he supposed to deny her request when she pushed her bottom lip out in silent pleading.

"Fine, but we're not done with this talk," He suppressed a smile as he began to rub her feet for her while they watched Die Hard together. Shouto wasn't the kind of person who liked one genre of movie. He liked individual movies from all different genres, and Die Hard happened to be his favorite action franchise. And he knew, though she would never admit to liking something so violent, that Momo actually enjoyed them too.

"Why do you care about my love life anyway?" She asked on a sigh. It was only a half question born of a half-hearted curiosity as to why he wanted to know so much about how her date went, but the silence that followed piqued her interest, causing her to sit up and tune out of the movie. The only problem for her was that she wasn't going to get an answer.

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