thirty-two \\ "oh fuck me"

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(Two Weeks Later)

Speaking from an objective perspective, I can tell you that Shouto Todoroki was fucked from the moment Momo Yaoyorozu walked through the door of their loft apartment. But the moment I realized Shouto was going to fall for Momo is far different than the moment he did.

But I'm not just going to jump right into that moment. I'm a storyteller, after all. I have to set the scene, lay the groundwork. If I were merely to tell you that she was looking fine in his t-shirt and then poof! Well, we wouldn't have much of a story, would we? It would be like trying to will the last floor of a skyscraper into existence. 

So, I'll start a few hours prior, when Momo had a rather disappointing conversation with her boyfriend.

Momo wasn't in the habit of jumping to conclusions, but sometimes it was hard not to with Yosetsu. He was just all over the map. Sometimes he was the most devoted, sweet, 'I'd do anything for you' kind of guy, and sometimes, he was the, 'I swear to god I wasn't staring at the bartender's ass' kind of guy. Which meant that she was constantly trying to find a happy medium between being the girl who crucified her boyfriend for every slight infraction, and being the girl who got taken advantage of because she didn't want to seem overbearing.

And it didn't help that he wasn't making it all that easy on her either. Momo had been stood up before and it sucked, but never by her own boyfriend. First dates were an easy one to back out of so she'd been on a few that ended in her downing pink wine and eating breadsticks as an entire meal. But out of the few boyfriends she'd had in the past, none of them had ever stood her up before.

This made Yosetsu a first.

In some ways, he had both raised and lowered her standards. He raised them because he was the first boyfriend she'd had that found girls tripping over themselves for him, he was the first boyfriend to have a bank account that held more money than a piggy bank, and he had a jawline that could cut glass. But it was almost depressing how low her bar had dropped when it came to actually dating. Because all she could think as he texted her that he couldn't make it because "his boss asked him to do some stuff" was, well at least he's giving me advanced warning.

Yes, that's right. Behold, their actual text conversation just a few minutes before I started this chapter.

Me: are you picking me up?

Yosetsu: bb abt that...

Me: about that...?

Yosetsu: work wants me to stay late tonight and i can't make it....i'm sorry babe!

Me: I thought you said your work schedule was clear?

Yosetsu: Yeah but something important came up...

Me: mind if I ask what that something important might be?

Yosetsu: it's not a big deal! My boss just asked me to do some stuff.

Me: Stuff like...?

Yosetsu: babe, r we seriously gonna do this rn?

Me: Do What?

Yosetsu: That thing where you get all huffy. Like i get it, but i don't make the rules.

Yosetsu: okay I gtg. c ya Beautiful

Me: okay, bye.

Thus, Momo was standing there, slumped against the wall in her jean shorts and wrinkle-free long-sleeved shirt as she caught the attention of her dual-haired roommate, who could read the slight look of disappointment on her features all too well. He knew it because it was usually how girls looked just before he called them pretty and invited them back to his place.

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