twenty-one \\ "i spy with my little eye"

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School starting up again was met with moans and groans and Denki laying face down on the floor and sulking for three hours one night. It was greeted by Izuku and Shouto spending a full day doing nothing but laying in their pajamas and binging Brooklyn 99 while surviving off of junk food and empty calories. Yes, for an entire twenty-four hours, they lived on Cheetos, beer, and whatever marshmallow peeps Denki hadn't already microwaved into oblivion. It was horrifying. In fact, Momo was the only semi-sane one and she woke up at three in the afternoon on the day before break ended.

There was one good thing, however. And that was the fact that Momo wouldn't have to spend another week couped up in the apartment. Sure, it was nice and all spending time with the guys, but there were some times when Momo started getting a little frustrated with them.

Like when they repeatedly used her actually rather expensive body wash to wash their dicks despite her telling them multiple times not to. Or when she would get woken up too late becuase Shouto and Denki had broken something playing Wii Sports- It was an improvement over getting woken up by her roommate having sex (thank you holidays for sending all the hot girls home), but it still sucked. And she had to put up with constantly hearing, "where the fuck did you put the remote?!" despite the fact that it was probably sitting on the soap dish in the bathroom or something.

But now she would be spending most of her day at classes, so that wouldn't even be an issue. She could eat lunch in peace without Shouto stealing her food becuase he was too lazy to actually make something for himself, she could go out to dinner with her friends outside of the apartment, and best bets were that Denki and Shouto would be spending a lot more nights out, which meant that aside from the nights when Izuku wasn't studying at the library, she would have the whole place to herself.

Of course, though, there were some drawbacks. Drawbacks like Momo knowing her very attractive roommate was going to be getting a lot of action once school started up again. Drawbacks like having to watch Denki shovel tortilla chips into his mouth after a particularly stressful day. Drawbacks like exams and late-night study sessions. And, of course, drawbacks like morning chaos that ensued much too early for Momo's taste.

The door to the bathroom at the end of the hall opened with a loud slamming sound that only caused Denki to jump becuase both Momo and Izuku were too sleep-deprived to care if it was an ax murderer or just their dual-haired roommate. Shouto stormed from the bathroom almost completely naked, save for the towel around his waist, and very, very angry, an empty bottle of conditioner in his hand as he stopped in the middle of the living room still dripping water.

"I spy with my little eye," He said, his heterochromatic eyes darting between Izuku and Denki who were both looking at him in utter confusion. Momo just kept her eyes down, avoiding both his rage and his chiseled abs. "Two little bitches who used all my conditioner." He threw the bottle at him, which Denki dodged, consequently causing it to hit Izuku square in the face with a hollow thunking sound. The freckled boy barely reacted to it, just rubbing his forehead slightly as he yawned out,

"Yeah, I did that. Sorry, Sho."

"Okay, so yeah I might have used your conditioner once or twice or every time I shower, but that's beside the point. Why aren't you blaming Momo for this? She showers too!" Denki complained, effectively not achieving his goal of diverting blame and instead just causing Shouto to narrow his eyes in the dangerous way that told you he was about to go apeshit.

"Um, I have my own conditioner," Momo offered, raising her hand like a middle-schooler answering as she answered a question that wasn't even directed toward her. Her blond roommate just muttered a quick, "dammit" before proceeding to take a seat at the dining table with the Momo and Izuku.

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