thirty-eight \\ "full disclosure" pt. 2

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Momo's head was spinning as she dizzily stumbled her way out of the club, knocking into people, spilling drinks, mumbling apologies that wouldn't be heard over the pounding of the music that was too loud, a constant drone in the background. Everything had suddenly gone from being too muted in comparison to the hammering of her heart, to being too loud to the point where she couldn't think about anything else. 

It was just too much. Everything was too much. The music was overwhelming and the vibrations made her feel like she was going to fall over, the nauseating smell of alcohol, cigarette smoke, and weed was inescapable, and the people, there were so many people. And she knew her "boyfriend" would be making his way through the crowd to try and find her and she just wanted to get out as fast as possible. 

As she reached the rusted metal door and pushed her way out into the blinding darkness of the outdoors, she nearly tripped and fell, steadied on her feet only by one of the bouncers reaching out instinctively to help her. A breathless thank you mixed with an apology left her lips as she stumbled out into the downpour that had started sometime within the last five minutes. Great. Just her luck. 

But it was hard to care at the moment that she would be an icicle the minute she stepped into an air-conditioned building or that her clothes were getting soaked all the way through or that she was going to have to walk home because she hadn't brought a car, because it was hard to think about anything at the moment. It was hard to think about anything but the girl with the purple hair and the permanent image of her boyfriend grabbing at her with his hands, using his lips to taste her- Fuck. She just wanted out. She didn't even know what she wanted out of. But she didn't want to be here and she didn't want to see him. And-

"Momo! Wait!" A strong hand wrapped around her wrist and a wave of panic flooded through her. All rational thought abandoned her as she screamed at him over the sound of the rain, much to the concern of the bouncers still waiting under the thin cover of the ledge above the club entrance. 

"Let me go!" She shrieked at him, starting to feel a bruise form where his fingers dug into her pulse. Tears were streaming down her face, now, thanks to some combination of the situation and the pain shooting up her forearm. And she was powerless to stop them as they mixed with the warm summer rain. 

"Wait!" He insisted, not a hint of malice in his voice. She could tell he wasn't actively trying to hurt her but her brain wasn't processing this. The only thing she could think about was escaping. She just wanted out. She wanted to leave and forget about him and she couldn't because he wouldn't let go of her. 

"LET ME GO!" Before she even had a chance to rethink her decision, her foot came up to meet his knee cap, causing him to release her wrist and crumple to the ground in pain. She ripped herself away from him, stumbling back a few feet for good measure so he couldn't try to reach out for her again as the adrenaline drained somewhat from her system and turned itself into heaving sobs that echoed around the empty lot. 

"God DAMMIT Momo! Wait!" He yelled at her, anger entering the equation on his part as he pulled himself to his feet. She flinched as he took a step toward her and he stopped dead in his tracks as he saw the two bouncers eyeing him. Even still, though, even with the protection of the two burly men, Momo didn't feel comforted as she held her injured wrist in her hand and screamed at him over the rain. 

"Why?! Why should I?! Give me ONE good reason," She wasn't scared of Yosetsu. He wasn't an abusive person. He wouldn't hit her or intentionally hurt her. But she didn't want him anywhere near her. And her previous intense wave of fear had been replaced with a white-hot anger that flooded her system and brought on a fresh wave of stinging tears. 

"I'm sorry!" He pleaded with her dejectedly, his shoulders slumping like a lost puppy dog. What a fucking act. Maybe he was sorry, maybe he did feel bad, but it didn't mean anything was going to change. For Yosetsu, guilt was a temporary emotion and an easy one to get over with a few drinks and night of anonymous sex at that. Hell if she was accepting that. 

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