nine \\ "shit, i forgot"

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Winter break, Christmas specifically, had come far too fast in the opinions of the four roommates, though they all had different reasons for feeling that way.

As you might imagine, Shouto Todoroki despised Christmas with a burning passion as he did every other holiday, but Christmas especially was a time that made his heart turn to ice. He hated the festivity, he hated the way people preached about being with family. He hated the idea of spending Christmas with his family at all. Christmas with his family was fucked up and spent largely in uncomfortable silence that somehow ended in screaming despite the fact that there was no longer anything to argue over. If he could skip over the day entirely, he would. Christmas offered Shouto nothing.

Izuku, on the other hand, loved Christmas. He loved Christmas because of the tinsel on the trees and the fluffy white snow and the sparkly feeling of joy that seemed to fall over people like stardust. He loved making treats, and even though he was no expert baker, his roommates loved eating them. But most of all, he loved spending time with his mom who was, unfortunately, actually overseas in Japan for this Christmas. It was normally his favorite tradition to go home to his mom and spend a peaceful Christmas watching old movies, but he didn't have the money to go all the way to Japan this year, so he would just have to spend Christmas with his roommates instead.

And Denki was a perfect mix between the two. His love for the festive time of the year was so intense that it made everyone else cave to the idea of a merry Christmas. The blond dressed up, he helped Izuku bake (as much as the green-eyed boy would let him), he decorated the apartment, but most importantly, he got gifts. Denki wasn't afraid to hide the fact that he loved spoiling his roommates with gifts he knew they probably couldn't afford. But he just loved seeing the looks on their faces when they received something they had been wanting for a while but figured they would never get. Last year, Denki got Izuku the robins-egg blue stand mixer he now used almost every day. Denki loved Christmas and no one could take that simple joy away from him.

Now Momo, Momo was a mystery when it came to the holiday. Since she had only been with them for a month and a half (roughly) when Christmas decided to roll around again, they had no idea how she'd react. Of course, both Denki and Izuku knew about the fact that there were people out there who didn't like Christmas, they lived with one every day, but despite all of his griping and groaning about the holiday, at the end of the day Shouto always let them celebrate the way they wanted to. Would Momo be the same?

When Momo arrived back at the loft apartment, the distinct and quite pleasant smell of baked goods immediately surrounded her. Cinnamon, nutmeg, and the smell of cookies in the oven hung around the apartment that Momo barely even recognized with all the decorations that had been strung up almost everywhere. The floor to ceiling windows were draped with various colors of tinsel, framing the fluffy snow falling on the window sill outside, and various Christmas decorations littered every flat surface, making the room look warm and festive. At the edge of the room near the hallway stood a regal Christmas tree weighed down with sparkly ornaments and strings of popcorn.

As usual, the guys had beat her home and she could clearly see Izuku setting down what looked like the hundredth tray of cookies onto the kitchen table. Six plates of various types the baked good sat piled high on the worn wooden table and another tray was being unloaded as Momo stood in the doorway, her eyes lashes still fluttering with the remnants of snowflakes. Meanwhile, Denki was doing his best to conquer his stature of 5,6 to guide a silver star to the top of the tree to no avail.

Momo's eyes traveled to Shouto, who was sitting lazily in the chair in the corner, a book in his hand, round reading glasses resting lightly on the bridge of his nose. He looked so soft with the glasses and the blanket wrapped around his shoulders to keep out the cold. It was almost cute in a platonic sort of way, of course. But she must've been staring a little too long because she suddenly startled when his heterochromatic eyes met hers with one eyebrow raised.

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