Chapter 2: My Way or the Highway

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Have you ever seen grey water go down a drain? Well, imagine that just with clouds and rushing sea water at the bottom of said vortex. That's where he brought us. I look up and see the twinkling stars in the expanse of space. So much pressure at the eye of a storm and the air between us and the black matter of this expanding universe. Just a hairline of a layer separating such immense powers from each other. Fascinating! The wind blows my black hair back and forth as it howls around us.

I look at the tan hand firmly holding mine. Rough hands, furrowed eyebrows, and red eyes. Floating above so much, all I could think of doing is reaching out and lightly cupping his cheek. "Honey, what's wrong? You seem angry." I say to him. His eyes turn magenta when they meet mine. He pulls me close and we dive into the lower part of the vortex. Lightning flashes in the clouds and thunder rumbles afterward.

Before we can land in the choppy seawater a portal opens up. We are flying above a plain filled with golden flowers and we float on the light breeze like a feather. When we land, I release a shaky breath. "That was frighteningly awesome!" His brown eyes are back. I wonder when that happened?

"I wanted to show you the range of my power. I can release a lot or a little."

"What's the reason?"

"If I told you, would it change what is to come? Would it make you even more vulnerable by emboldening you to take some matters in your own hands? I am protecting you."

" withholding information?"

"I don't want to argue about this."

"I want to know the truth."

"Fine. Our son's enemy has come to kill him before he is born."

"Our son? I'm not pregnant. Why would a child, that's not even thought about by their mother yet, have an enemy? It doesn't make sense."

"Asher... I- I've made some enemies and I've destroyed individuals. Vengeance isn't unreasonable in this situation. Every loved one mourns differently."

"I don't know what to say right now."

"If you don't want to be with me anymore because of what I've done, I will understand but I can't promise that I'll be able to let you go."

"I'm not leaving you. I'm trying to figure out what we are going to do? I guess we'll postpone having children anytime soon."

"We shouldn't let fear lead us."

"I'd rather get rid of my child's enemy before they're born and the real fear shows up. I don't want to be paranoid and not allow our baby to make friends or live a normal life."

"Our son won't ever be normal. He's a demigod. He will have powers. He can't go about the world like humans do."

The wind picks up speed and a cold blast whips my black hair back away from my face. Tears blur my husband's image but I hold them off and look away from him. He wouldn't understand. He's thinking from a father's position, but I'm thinking from a mother's perspective. "You're right. We shouldn't argue about this. I don't want to talk about it anymore." I say. He comes up behind me and rubs my arms. "You don't have to worry about anything. I'll protect both of you." He says.

"What happens when we're away from each other? Am I protected then too?"

"Yes, my powers can reach you in any location on this planet."

"Yes but mistakes happen. Forgetfulness happens. What happens when we get too comfortable and we have kids an-"

He gently turns my chin toward him. I look up at him. A tear rolls down my cheek like a miniature river. "Honey, I love you but I don't like where this is going." I say. He hugs me and my face cuddles his chest. I wrap my arms around his waist. What are we going to do?

*Comic for this:

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