(14) Drunk Words On Sober Thoughts

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3rd Person's POV

Relief hit Tsukishima like a bullet train.

A large, fast, bullet train of feelings.

"G-Go to h-hell." His eyebrow twitched in amusement, while his legs guided him to the bed bound setter.

"Oh really? And what am I supposed to say back, I'll see you there? That sounds awfully like a date," He smirks.

" .... " Kageyama looked up from his position on his back, still confused on where he was. The walls were awfully white, now weren't they? He didn't recall his house being this bright either.

"Aren't you going to say something back? I guess it's expected of the king to be this ru-" Tsukishima was cut off by a weary voice.

"Wh-hy a-are you h-h...here?" It took a few moments for Kageyama to gather his thoughts, Kei did the same, "...I th-thought you hat-ted me."

" .... " By the ton e of his voice, you'd think he was sedated, in which you would be correct, "Well...er..." This allowed the injured player to say whatever came to his mind whether he wanted to or not.

"I-Is it to mak-ke fu-un of me-e...? T-T-To sa-ay hoo-w-w it shhhould h-ha-a-ave-" He cleared his throat to clear up his words, "ended me?" His words started to slur together, " b-but...even so," the setter tiredly tilted his head to face the blond, "I-I'm glad you're here," He then let out a lopsided smile.

".....Holy shit," The blocker covered his mouth and took a step away from the bed, his face getting redder by the second.

Kageyama moved back to his original spot on his back as he tried to shield his eyes from the glaring light above, "I didn't mean to say that, promise." His eyes proved to be dilated, that should have been enough evidence to stop Tsukishima from taking this to seriously.

But...as the saying goes...

Drunk words on sober thoughts.

"You're glad...I'm here? Why wouldn't I be here?" The blond looked at him, eyes clutched shut, as if to protect himself from the consequence that might come after he finishes, "Tobio. I think I came here because I...I..." His words were caught on his tongue. The setter sighed softly. "I like you. Not just a friend like, but like-like."

Tsukishima prided himself for being very efficient when it came to Japanese vocabulary, but now he couldn't even think of any words that mean the same as love. What would his teachers think of him?

"...." After a few moments went by and no response, Kei continued on, "I couldn't bare the thought that you could die here, alone...so I stayed here..." It felt good for him to explain his feelings out loud than to let them stay bottled up inside him.

"I'm sure you don't feel the same...and that's okay, I guess I'll never hear the end of it," He chuckled to himself, self-deprecatingly.

"...." Tobio had stayed quiet the entire time, which worried the tall one.

" ...I made this weird, didn't I?" He walked to the silent raven haired boy to find that he was asleep, "Or maybe I was just talking to myself like a lunatic."

Most of him felt pissed off at the setter.
But another was glad that he didn't need to face this today.

A couple days pass and Kageyama was good as new... considering he was shot... by his father... in his hou- Maybe good as slightly damaged, but still good. His teammates had made plenty of visits to him, leaving many gifts behind for him. He couldn't remember feeling this loved. But he still couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

Kageyama's POV

For all the time that I've been awake, I haven't seen tall, blond, and salty....not that I care or anything.

Everyone said that he hadn't been showing up to practice either. What happened?

I would call him, but a) I don't have his number and b) My phone was crushed by my demon of a father.

"Come on Bakayama! Stop giving that look! It looks like you're constipated!"

The award for dumbest wake up call goes to Hinata.

"Shut up Dumbass, this is just how I look." He sits up while crossing his arms in annoyance.

"Like I've been saying, constipated." The orange haired blocker replayed, leaning the chair he was sitting on back to its two legs.

"It's like you want me to strangle you," I mumbled to myself, sighing softly.

Hinata stuck his tongue out while shutting his eyes, " You couldn't even if you tried!"

"Okay, wow, that's a bit rude little dude!" Tanaka came barging into my room with Noya yelling something about how 'Kiyoko had her hair in pig tails.

"Whaaat," Shoyo tapped his fingers on the back of the chair anxiously, "It's not like he broke any bones or anything!"

"Hinata, I swear to god I will stuff your face into the net once I'm released from this place."

Hinata looked at him, then smiles brightly, "There it is!"

I scrunched my face together in confusion, "There what is?"

"Your attitude!" He weakened his smile, " Ever since...that day...you've been moody and brooding." He looked down at his hands, "I was kinda worried for you..." He shook his head and flashed another bright smile, " But I guess I was wrong! Now there's less things wrong with you!"

"...Thanks?" I rested my chin on my hand in thought. Was I really 'moody?' I don't think I was...but that little annoying ball of energy doesn't usually make this stuff up...

I dropped my hand down into my lap and leaned against the bed board, "Anyway! When do you think I'll be able to leave this hell-hole and finally play some volleyball?"

At the mention of the sport, dumbass' head perked up, "Oh! I don't know,-"

"You don't know a lot of things-"

"But what I do know it that I've been practicing a lot these past few days, so ha! I'll beat you on the court once and for all!" He stood there loud and proud, emphasis on loud.

"Sure, but even a shot me can whoop your ass, so beware." I ruffles his hair, messing up the already mop of a mess.

"Hey! Don't do that! I actually combed it today!" Hinata ran his hands through his hair self-consciously.

"With what, a porcupine?" I snicker at my own joke.

"Laugh all you want, but you'll see!"

"See what?"

"I don't know, but you will!"

How was that? Oh! And Happy New Year! I hope this new year won't be as bad as last year! (Although I liked not having to talk to people as much) I hope you all have/had a safe holiday! Also I've decided to add names for.my chapters! Until next time!

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