(13) I'm...Okay?

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Tsukishima's Pov

I never did like white. White clouds always felt annoying, Yeah, I know it's 'cute' and 'fluffy' or whatever, but it just gets on my nerves.

The white sheets of the hospital bed made his already pale skin lighter. Too light, I hate it. His shirt was off showing a large bandage wrapped around his chest in which blood was already seeping through, set a reminder to tell a nurse about that.I

Kageyama and I were the only ones in the room, which made sense since it was 2 in the fucking morning. It was us two- one and a half?- With the beeping that I hoped to God never stopped, it measured the king's heart rate.

For the past few hours I was bombarded with police officers asking me questions, that got old quick. But I guess I can't blame them...abuse really is terrible.

This sucks.

Kageyama's Pov

Everything was black, everywhere I looked was black. Up was black, down black again, and to the side, you guessed it, black. Faintly I could hear some mutterings of a voice, but that wasn't really important now. Where the hell am I? Dead? Alive? Somewhere in between? I'm used to being confused, mainly in math, but this takes it to another level.

I was floating -falling?- In who knows what kind of state. Everything...didn't hurt. It was strange, heck, it still is, but I got sort of...used to it. I felt all, what's the word, empty? Tired? Numb-Numb. I felt numb so over, I didn't like it. It killed me a bit inside that I wasn't practicing volleyball this very minute.


How did I even get here?

All I remember was getting a gun pointed towards me -who was holding it?- a loud shot and a pain, oh yeah. How could I forget the pain? It was the worst I've ever felt. Even more so than that time Oikawa slapped be in mid- No, I can't allow myself to get distracted. I just need to focus on one thing.

How do I get out?

3rd person Pov

Tsukishima was bored out of his mind, his phone was dead, it was late at night-morning? - and the tv only had cheesy soap operas.

"Oh my god, what's gonna happen to Deborah?" So there really was only one thing to watch, don't judge him.

His glasses were slowly falling off of his nose, but he didn't bother to fix them. Who cares about that? He sure didn't.

Every so often he would allow his thoughts to drift over to Kageyama. Handsome, hurt, cocky, Kageyama. He tried to stop it for the first few hours, but now he just accepted it.

The blond sighed, his boredom was getting the best of him. If Kageyama didn't wake up soon, he swore he'd shake him awake himself.

The beeping kept at a steady pace as usual.


Tsuki started to count them as time went on, it was soothing his worries. But what did he even have worries about? That his Kageyama might not wake up? That he's in pain?! And even if he does wake up, how will he react?!


He took a deep breath, the doctors knew what they were doing. A simple gun wound wouldn't kill him. Many people survived worse. He was getting ahead of himself.


Wait, what was that?


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