(4) Finally Free?

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Everything stops. Balls stop bouncing. People stop talking. And birds stop chirping. No one could say anything, being too shocked from what they just saw.

"B-Bakayama...?" Kageyama's eyes widen as he looks down at his scared stomach and tries to cover it, moving the shirt fall from his shouldered, revealing many hand shapes bruises, 'SHIT' Daichi takes a step forward to comfort him.

"Kagyeama. We need to have a talk." He took another step and puts a hand on his shoulder. "Okay?"

Tobio tenses and stays still, "N-No! We don't need to talk! Everything's okay! I'm okay! I-I got these while....practicing...?" Everyone raises an eyebrow

"King, stop being stupider than usual, everyone saw them." Kageyama winces and takes this time to run out of a gym door, "I don't need help! It's okay!"

Daichi frowns sadly, "I- Someone go after him....He could get hurt while in his state..." He looks down, clutching his fist. Hinata nods and tries to catch him. Suga sees Daichi's frown and puts a hand on his head, ruffling his hair.

"Daichi-San, it's okay...he's okay....everything's okay....Hinata will find him." He gives a supportive smile and a thumbs up,

"I-..." Daichi gives off a groan of frustration and clutches his fist tighter, "I knew something was off... I'm the team captain. I should've done something." The grayhead let's out a confused noise,


"H- Remember that night when we were coming back after our match against BlueCastle?" He leans on a wall sighing.

Suga nods slowly, " Yeah...? "

"When I went to him he asked if he could stay in the club room, saying that if he went home, he wouldn't be able to play...I told him to go to Hinata's home instead of questioning him...I'm a terrible captain..." Suga gasps softly and pats Daichi's back

"You're a great captain, and an even greater person, Daichi-San, you couldn't have known..." Daichi smiles weakly,

"Thanks Suga-San..." He walks to the rest of the team who were all worried. "Okay! Listen up!" Everyone perks up and turn to face him. "...as soon as Kageyama comes back, you guys won't let him leave before Takeda-Sensei, and Ukai-Sensei talk with him. Okay?" Tsukishima rolls his eyes. "Tsukishima, I saw that!" Just as Daichi finishes his scolding, a sad Hinata comes back with a firm grasp on a moving Kageyama.

"Bakayama! You need to! You're not safe if what I think is happening to you is true!" Everyone looks at them, confused on what they were talking about, before it hit them. Kageyama stays silent and looks at the floor, Takeda walks over to him and motions for them to talk, he nods and walks to a small room in outside the gym.

Hinata sits down without saying anything else, "...."

Tsukishima raises an eyebrow, about to say something snarky before elbowed by Yamaguchi, " Sorry Tsuki, but not right now" He nods and sighs

Daichi keeps standing, "Okay, practice will resume as planned." He points to the different positions, assigning one to each teammate.

"Yes sir!" They all run there and get ready.

A couple hours pass

Kageyama walks back to the gym to grab his bag, Hinata runs to him asking what happened. The deep brunette stays quiet while ignoring his questions, "...." He finishes grabbing everything and leaves without saying a word.

Daichi looks over worried, "I wonder what they did..."

Kageyama and Takeda-Sensei were walking to his home. In their small meeting, they discussed that extreme measures has to be taken, so with the small amount of confidence that was in him, Kageyama called the police station to have his father arrested. All he had to do now was to wait at the house with a sensei and make sure everything went smoothly, then FINALLY he would be free.

The police came and introduced themselves, and after so, they knocked on his door and his father answered, "What." One officer looks him over, "Fuki Kageyama?" His father looked at them suspiciously,

"Depends on who's asking," they roll their eyes and pull their guns out

"You are under arrest for child abuse" He shrugs and walks into the car. Tobio was taken a back from his father's obedience. How confusion quickly turned into happiness was a mystery solved in a second as he saw the man who hurt him for so many years get driven off in a cop car.

A few days later

Kageyama was instructed to stay over at Hinata's home until the entire ordeal was sorted out, he had no problem with it, and neither did the redhead. They spent most of their time practicing outside or watching matches of the Tiny Giant, it was good. No. It was the best days in Tobio's life. I

"Boke! I'm gonna take a break, I'm getting a call!"

Hinata nods and keeps bouncing it on his wrists.

Kageyama runs to the spare bench Hinata and Kageyama made out of their old school books to "teach learning a lesson" that was made into their practice bench and grabs his phone. He flips it open without checking the caller ID,

"Hello?" The caller's voice was a small but stern, it reminded him of Suga.

"Is this Tobio Kageyama?" The deep brunette sat down

"Yes it is, who is this?" The caller sighs and was heard walking to another place,

"This is the Japan country police department, your father Fuji Kageyama was proven innocent since the trial that was held on Mar-" Tobio drops his phone "what?!"

"S-Sir, that cannot be correct, my father is guilty, guilty as can be-" The officer cuts him off,

"You will be returning to your home with him as soon as possible. That is an order." Kageyama's eyes widen, both from fear and shock, 'this can't be happening'

"Yes sir...." His sentence only came out as a whisper, but was loud enough for the other man to hear,

"Good, bye" he hangs up and leans back. '....' How mind was blank, he couldn't comprehend the information that was just given. This was a nightmare, and right when he was beginning to feel free from his father's wrath.

Sorry that it's been awhile!!!! Heh, I hope you like this chapter!!! It is 1:13 and I am surviving off of anime and coffee at this point. If you have any ideas or comments, please tell me!! Until next time!!!

1080 words counting this sentence!!

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