(9) You Better Be Okay, King

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Tsukishima's Pov

I walk around the park with nothing on my mind, the king hadn't shown up to practice, so it was called off. 'Fine by me, I didn't even want to go' I was planning on scaring little kids for fun, until I saw the raven-headed setter. 'I guess he beat me to it'

"What the hell are you doing here?!" The setter yells, he seemed distracted.

I moved my glasses back onto my nose "I could ask the same" He looks down to see Kageyama cradling his wrist, weird

"I wanted...to have some alone time.'' I roll my eyes

"Don't you already get enough of that? "

"..." He shakes his head and started getting up.

" Oi! I'm not done talking to you!" I grab onto his wrist to keep him from leaving. He cries out in pain, trying to pull his hand away.

"....hmm?" In one swift moment I grab his arm and pull his sleeve down.


"...what the hell is this?!" His wrist was bruised and swollen, as if someone-...I threw his arm down in frustration, I knew there was something wrong with him damnit!

The king cradled his arm as I kicked the dirt on the floor "....." Kageyama stood up silently "don't tell anyone you saw this" He put his hands in his pockets, wincing as the fabric touched his sensitive hand.

"The hell I am!" I glance down on him "This is f*cking not okay!"

The boy in front of me kept looking down in shame "Just....don't" His voice wavered, this wasn't like him. "I don't want to worry anyone, it's not bad, I-I fell!" He never looks in my eyes, this was a pathetic sight. ..but it still tugged at my heart, ew feelings.

"Not only are you wrong, you're wrong and stupid!" I move my glasses up my nose "This is bad, I don't really know what to except to stay at my house" As soon as I said that I face palmed, way to go Kei, now I seem weird.

"Heh, no," The king glancs up at me with cold eyes "I'm not going anywhere with you"

That kinda hurt, "...It was just a suggestion, wow, here I am holding a hand out an to the lonely king, and he pushes it away."

"Dont call me that" Kageyama frowns and tilts his head up to face me.

"Don't call you what, king?" I smirk in amusement, he seems back to normal, maybe I was over reacting.

The setter clutches his right fist tightly "Don't..CALL ME KING!" I wince at his emotional outburst, what the hell got into him?

" I-" He cuts me off

"You don't think I get called that enough?!" He blinks back tears "It sucks being called that from my old team...I really thought this year would be different since it was a new team, but thanks to you I HAVE TO LIVE WITH MYSELF GETTING CALLED IT HERE AS WELL"

"Well I-"

"SHUT UP" He turns away from me "It hurts. But I dont know why I'm telling you!" I felt a pang of sympathy it's true, no one knew the name before I told them. I could tell his cold steel mask was cracking slowly.

"Look, Ki-Kageyama, I didn't know it turned you into a little cry baby" I roll my eyes and sigh deeply "I'm....sorry..." I await his response .

"That has got to be the worst apology I've ever heard in my entire life" He leaves quickly, leaving me in the same place thinking about what I just said.

"Okay, maybe he has a small point." I tap my chin in annoyance, "Good God this turned so much more difficult than I wanted." I leave the park to catch up with him .

I look around for him quickly "Oi! Ki-Kageyama!" I frown while bitting my lip anxiety when I don't see him. "....I guess I shouldn't be worried, he's probably home by now-" I face palm "That's the entire freaking reason I talked to him! Damnittt" I run to his street and see that his about to enter his house, "Oi! Kingy!" I wince at my choice of wording, "Wanna spend the night over at my house?!"

I swear I could've seen a small look of emotion....desperation in his beautif-blue eyes before it was covered in anger, "Why the hell would I want to go with...you?!" Ouch, that's rude.

"It was just a suggestion! God!" He scoffs and turns his head away.

" It was a sucky suggestion to say the least." He crossed his annoying little arms against his annoying little face while giving off an annoying little glare. It's easy to say he's annoying me.

"Fine! Do what you want, it's not like I wanted you to come over or anything" I turn away from him and leave. why was I even worried for him? ! He's just a tyrant king who's trying to get my sympathy. Sympathy I didn't even know existed in my body. Ugh! He makes me so frustrated!

I hear the door open and some shouting, but I brush it off. It's not worth my time of day. The sound of a loud slap makes me stiffen. That couldn't be...nah, I'm sure it was...a....snap! Yeah! By the king ordering someone to cater for his every need. That asshole.

I resist the urge to look behind my back and keep walking home.

I open my door and take my shoes off quickly to avoid my older brother's 'caring' attack, he can be so annoying. Man I'm using that word a lot today. I shrug while walking through the kitchen.

"Kei! Sweetie! You're back early! What a surprise!" My mom looked over her shoulder to greet me with a loving smile "I'm making some curry for dinner! It should be done soon, mk?" Her turns back around and stirs her pot.

"Yeah, okay mom" I roll my eyes and walk to the bathroom to wash my hands.

I walk to my bedroom while locking the door, my phone was left unused on my desk...maybe I should text him...you know to bug him.. I'm not worried. Nope. Nada. I quickly pick it up.

Hey king, how's it feel to be home alone?

Tyrant King

I flop face first waiting for his reply, "Damn it King" My phone buzzed so as the totally not worried kind of person I....pick it up 1 millisecond after it buzzed.

Tyrant King

This sentience confused me 'Good? What?' what the hell does good even mean?! Normally he would either spam the chat with ' don't call me that ' or just brush me off for calling me ki- No use to over think it, I'll just type up a response.

Of course go would like to be at home alone since no one would give you the time of day

....Okay that was a bad response on my part

Tyrant King
I guess so

He is getting even more confusing. Wait...


This isn't him, it can't be him his responses are very different than usual

Tyrant King
I just be going now, it was nice to talk to you
-Tyrant King is offline-

Weird...I look at my phone for a few seconds then throw it to my desk.

"You better be okay, King"

Hi guys! I hope you like this chapter! I know I know this was...boring to say the least, don't worry! The next will be
a c t i o n p a c k e d!

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