(18) Fool

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All he had to say was, wow. The kin-Kageyama really got over grudges quickly.

But that was not the point.

It was currently Sunday, June 17th, precisely one day after he was released from the hospital from where he was moved to after his father shot him.

That seems about right.

Tsukishima shook his head to clear his ever growing thoughts, now was not the time to think about that. What was so important about this date was that he -HE, THE Tsukishima Kei! how could he have sunk so low?- invited to spend the day with Kageyama. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but that was before he had his eyes opened to the LGBT+ community. As it turns out there were more than one type of sexuality. Who knew? Apparently not him.

And Tsukishima spent the entire night finding out which one he happened to be.


Not very rare if you were to ask him -he won't stop comparing this to Pokemon, damnit! For the plebs who don't know -he's allowed to say that now-, it means he finds romantic desire in both men and women. Which was a problem for, the last he checked, Kageyama was a man.

Thus leading to his current predicament, what was he going to do with this thumping in his chest? It could just be a Heart Arrhythmia, and he could go into cardiac arrest any second now, but the world wouldn't be that kind, now could it?

"Tch, typical. I sound like a middle schooler who found their 'sweetheart', disgusting."

Tsukishima opened his closet door after his quick and cold shower to find something to wear.

Black polo? No, too formal?

White tee? Nah, too casual.

White polo? Sure, why not. You only live once.

He threw it on and looked into the mirror. Black jeans and white polo was a good match if he had to say so.

"Kei! Breakfast is ready!" His mother called from the bottom of the stairs.

Oh shoot, he forgot about her- If she saw him in this, she would definitely needle and prod him for answers that he himself didn't have answers to.

That was a chance he would need to take, after all, he was starving.

Tsukishima groaned while putting on his glasses, then proceeded to walk down the staircase to the kitchen. His mother only took one glance at her son, then her smile widened -she always did seemed to smile for whatever strange reason-.

"Does my son have somewhere to be?" Ugh, don't say it like that.

"Yeah, so?" The sooner I answer her, the sooner I can leave. God, she doesn't know how to read the room. Kei poked at his egg, the yoke running down into his bacon. How nice.

"Nothing nothing..." There was a small pause, she's planning something, isn't she? "It's just, my little Kei is growing up! Who is it? Is it a girl?! Oh my gosh, wait until your father hears! It'll be a great bonding experience! Picking out gifts, finding new restaurants!" The blond choked on his crispy bacon, what?!

Does she think I'm dating someone?! Well obviously, or else we wouldn't be having this conversation.

"Mom, cut it out. It's getting on my nerves," The best way to stop his mother from talking on and on was to stop it at the bane, her heart. Once she gets the jest, she usually slinks out of the room. Sure, it makes him feel bad, but he gets over it pretty quickly.

This time was different.

"Kei. I told you not to speak to me that way, it is disrespectful, apologize, now." Today just was not his day.

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