(5) Loud Pleads Land On Deaf Ears

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He drops his phone as he looks down, 'This can't be happening....I can't let the team find out about this, especially not Hinata' He sighs and puts on his best smile when he hears the red-head.

"Oi, Bakayama! Who was it?!" Hinata starts running back to him. Kageyama was too distracted in his thoughts to even hear him, "Yamayamaaaaaaa" He jumps on his back, snapping Tobio out of his thoughts.

"Y-Yeah?!" He bends down to grab his phone, dropping Hinata off his back. "What is it?" He looks back at him with a twinge of annoyance.

" You seem distracted, aannnnnd come back! I wanna practice our quick!!!" Kageyama sighs while grabbing his sports jacket.

"Sorry, Hinata. I got a really important call from...a friend! Yeah! They told me that I could stay over there!" He tries to put on his best smile, "So, I need to go. Thank you so much for letting me stay here," He ruffles his hair and starts leaving.

"Wait, what?! But I thought..." Hinata frowns, " Okay....you're welcome, Kageyama. But you owe me that quick!" He jumps up to wave, Tobio smiles and grabs his bag, then leaves.

As soon as he left the Hinata's lawn, his smile dropped to what seemed like a pained frown. He sighed as he looked around, 'Back to square one....' He stops in front of his home, "...." He slowly opened the squeaky door and stepped inside carefully. He noticed that his house was cleaner than usual, with no sharp glass pieces littered the floor, and no blood spots on the walls. He smiles softly, 'Did my father finally change?!' He goes up the stairs to his room to find it untouched, this made him even happier. He carefully puts his bag in a corner, then walks to the kitchen. He looks in the fridge to find that it has the bare minimum of food to survive. He stays there in shock, he hears a noise come from behind him. He tenses softly and turns around,

"Tobio." He sees that his father was standing there with crossed arms, "You may have seen the renovations I did to the house," the setter nods slowly, "I did it all for you, when I was called to get arrested, I realized how unsafe I was being."

Kageyama looked at him with curious eyes, "D-Don't you mean unfair?" His father clutched his fist, then takes a deep breath to stay calm.

"I'll take it that my little lessons I've been having with you haven't gotten it into your thick skull since you just talked back to your capt-father," Tobio frowns softly, 'Something tells me he didn't change.... " He cautiously takes a step back from his father, who didn't seem to notice, "Now," He pulls him up to eye level, "This time, no one will find out. Because of they do I swear to god, you'll regret it." The setter nods quickly, slowly losing consciousness. He lets go of him, making Kageyama fall to the ground. His father spits on his face, then leaves. Kageyama slowly drifts unconscious.


Tobio wakes up in his bed, "Huh?" He gets up, immediately regreting it as he clutches his head while feeling like 1000 jackhammers were banging his head. The setter grabs his cracked phone to check the time. '11:30' He sighs, 'I already missed morning practice and some school, I should just stay home's He feels his phone buzz, making him see a few messages,

Hinata: Oi! Bakageyama! where are you? You're gonna be late for practice!

Hinata: Kageyamaaaaaaaaa

Suga: Kageyama, are you okay? You didn't show up to morning practice

Hinata: Are you sick or something?

He ignored the rest of the messages and put his phone down. He slowly gets out of bed, trying not to shake as he feels his stomach ache, 'What happened...?' He carefully looks around suspiciously, "Hmm...." He then sighs while walking to the bathroom,
"I feel like I'm going to die" He chuckles darkly. Kageyama only glances at his reflection when grabbing the aspirin for his headache. "I don't want to deal with anything until I figure out why I feel so bad...." He pauses to think, "Last thing I remember is getting knocked out by my father...He must've don't something after that" He rolls his shoulders back as he walks back over to his bed.

A few hours must've passes because the sun was already setting, "What? How?" His stomach growls softly, making him get up and head to the kitchen. Kageyama opens the fridge door to grab a milk box, but to his surprise, the fridge was empty. The only thing in there was a glass of milk, "Suspicious...." He shrugs then grabs it. Tobio sits down at the dining table, looking around. 'I still can't get over the fact that this was the only thing there....' He takes a sip of it, 'What the...it seems different than usual...I guess it's a different brand. It tastes terrible, but I should still finish it' He swallows it in one gulp, "Woaaaah" He looks around while wobbling. He was able to grab onto the table for support before he fell. Loud footsteps were heard coming down the stairs.

"Oh look, my little Tobio took the bait!" It was his father, looking happy as ever, " I guess he couldn't resist the glass" He chuckles. Fuji (Kageyama's father) grabs onto the setter's collar, pulling him up. "Now...." He starts taking his shirt off, " You won't remember any of this...so consider yourself lucky~" Realization hit Kageyama like a train. The milk was drugged. He drank the milk. He was drugged.

"Waaait....n-n-no!" His thoughts and actions were slowing, "P-p-please...." His eyes flutter closed, he couldn't do anything to stop his father, and soon Tobio Kageyama was at his father's hand.

...Yes I am evil? Yes! I am sleep deprived? Yes! I want to die! Oh wait, did I just say that? ANYWAY! I hope you like this chapter, and thanks for sticking around!

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