(16) Something

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3rd POV

It took a couple days for the whole ordeal to be done and shipped away. Kageyama had been cooped up in his small isolated room for too long who's legs needed to be stretched out and used. His friends had come to visit every now and then, which was nice.

'The silence is too loud.'

That didn't make sense, Tobio scratched that sentience out of his notebook. Tsukishima was the one who gifted it to him. He took it, well, what else could be do?

"Don't forget how to write words, I bet your head has been filled with just volleyball nonsense. I won't let your terrible grades sink any lower," How dare he.

Really, how dare he.

Kageyama hated him, but...why was it that every time said middle blocker entered the room, his heart fluttered? Was he suffering from a sickness of disillusion? Or perhaps it was something else.


The air outside felt fresher. He guessed spending a week in a hospital room would make anyone think the same.

He could never forgive his father for what he did to him... What could cause a father to shoot his own son. What did Kageyama to do deserve this?! Was he not good enough?

Did...he do something wrong?

Shaking his head, he crossed the road across from the hospital where he laid.

The streets were empty as was his mind. The only thing on his mind was making his way over to his room and laying in his bed. Alone.

In his hands, there were 2 bags. One was filled to the brim with all sorts of gifts that, he would never admit to them, made him feel warm inside. The other was with some clothing articles from his drawer.

He stepped inside his house after unlocking the front door. He had arrived quicker than he thought he would. Isn't it funny how time flies when occupied?

He tossed the items in his hand to the side. He'd sort through them later. He trudged up the stairs, avoiding the side where...

His door was a jar, making it easier to flop down on his futon. This was a mistake. Pain spread like fire through in his body, all of it originating from his chest.

"Damn it!" His voice was raw with emotion. It hadn't been used in a while. He...had some issues that he'd like to keep to himself.

After adjusting his laying position, he allowed his dropping eyelids to shut, assuring his restless sleep.

Tsukishima's POV

I heard from a...source that Kageyama's leaving the hospital today. Good for him.

Does this mean I'm going to check up on him, to make sure nothing bad happened to him to on his way back? Of course not, who do you think I am.

I stop my walking and look around, where am I? I don't remember moving to this locat... Oh, it's the hospital.


What the heck?

It was at this moment I decided my body was working against me, so I just went along with it. What else could I do? I walked over the bridge connecting the hospital to a large number of houses. I deducted one of these are to be the king's. Well, of course it is, I was over at his home a week ago.

I started to count random things to pass the time from my starting point to his location. 10 blocks to the place, 21 cars, 5 people (Narrowly avoided), 2 stray cats, and 50 houses. Math always did calm my nerves. Which, in fact, I do not have. That would be preposterous. Having the chills for just checking up of a frie-teammate.

The house in front of me was just that. A house. There were no cheesy decorations, nor any indication that anyone occupied the home.

Looking at a different time of day really does change my perspective.

With my school bag in hand, I walked up those torturous steps that lead to his front door. Thinking of what to say to him, I knock on the door.

'Knock knock.'

I waited for a moment before knocking again.

'Knock knock,'

"King, are you in there?" The lights were on in the living room, so he obviously was, "Tch, typical. I take time out of my day to try to help, and he's not even answering the doo-"

'Click, shwooop'

"What are you doing here, Tsukishima?" I turned my head around to face him. He looked like he had literally rolled out of bed. His hair was a mess. He was only wearing a white shirt and short shorts.

I cleared my throat, "Well, that's no way to talk to your guest."

"Guest-?" He rubbed his eyes, "Look, I'd rather you not say here. I'm tired. Okay?"

"I am too, you know? Having to deal with your senpai's worried whining takes a few years off of my life. I don't even understand why I have to be the one who deals with it." I take off my glasses to rub the bridge of my nose.

Kageyama crossed his arms with a scowl, "He can be extra, I guess." He stepped out of the doorway, "Come in, before I change my mind."

"Gee, how nice of you, King," I replied spitefully before speed walking into the house.

Kageyama followed after me and shut the door. I looked out the window awkwardly, "...So..."

He swiftly moved past me, rubbing his chest, "So. I'll ask again, why are you here?"

"Wow, did that bullet shoot away any empathy in you?" I looked at him for a moment.

A pregnant pause filled the air.

"...Yeah, I apologize for that-" I sit down onto the couch, regretting my existence and everything that lead up to me to come here.

He cleared his throat, "Are you thirsty?"

Pushing my glasses up a nudge, I looked up at him, "Yeah, I guess."

He nodded and left the room as quickly as he came. The air was stuffy with unresolved tension.

Was it just me or is it hot in here?

I rested my hands in my lap, using my chance alone to inspect the room for something to take my mind off of the situation on hand. My eyes land on a black leather-covered book. Isn't that the same book I got him?

I glanced at the kitchen door before reaching out to it, "Let's see...the latest entry..." Opening the cover, I stop. Wait, this would be an evasion of privacy... Oh well.

'The silence is too loud.'

Well, I didn't know the king was a poet. And now I find myself looking through the book, cover to cover.

It was all boring, this was Kageyama after all.

But something caught my eye.

'Tsukishima came to visit me today. Damn him. He's making me fall quicker and quicker each day.'


This was...something.

Hello! I apologize if this is overly boring for you all! I promise you there will be some aspect of d r a m a very soon! So...sta u tuned!

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