(6) I'm...What?

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When Kageyama slowly awoke from his small cubby of a room, he felt weird. Not 'I just saw a penguin in the safari' kind of weird. No. He felt nothing, dull, empty, and void of emotion. Tobio blinked as all the memories from last night came flooding in. The setter's eyes widened as they filled with tears, then after wiping them away, he tried to get up while using the wall for support but then he soon came to realize that his legs were near to usless. This only proved that what he was thinking was true, "....no....h-he didn't...he wouldn't..."

His 'father' pounded on his door already dressed in his work clothing, "Get the hell out of your room you slut! You have school!" He shook his head to clear his dark thoughts. With the small amount of dedication he had left in his mind, the hurt teen used his bed as a leverage to get up, while his legs did nothing to help him.

"...I'm going to have to skip practice again...I can barely move...But than people would get worried...they would, right?" He sighs sadly as his unorganized thoughts while limping to the bathroom to scrub off the filth he felt inside but he knew he couldn't get it off. It was then when he realized that there was blood leaking out of...you-know-where that he really was everything that his father called him. The beaten boy glanced around the bathroom to make sure everything was locked before undressing, making sure not to look at the mirror because he just knew that wouldn't help his mood.

As soon as he steps into the nearly boiling shower, relieve started to wash over him, "Mmm" He moans softly at how amazing the shower felt for his aching joints before scrubbing his body, "...." He frowns when he sees a large bruise forming in his stomach in the shape of a hand.

'Stay down you little piece of-'

When he leaves the steamy shower his skin was raw from all the washing and soaping he was doing to himself. He felt a thick red liquid roll down his chest and he knew he couldn't avoid looking at himself. He was glad he did since his have sheltered a black eye and bruised lips. Tobio quickly hid them with concealer that was laying around. When that part was done he moved onto his chest which had a deep nasty cut running through it. the setter did his best to cover it, granted he only had a few supplies left to do so. Kageyama looks for his clothes, seeing that it was missing, "Hmm?" He puts a towel around his waist and steps out.

When he exits the bathroom, his father was waiting for him right at the door frame, "You're finally done, Tobio." He adjusts his thin rimmed glasses and throws some oversized clothing at him, "This is the biggest size they had at your school, it probably is too small for you, you fatty" Fuji walks out of his room door then locks it from the outside. Kageyama sighs while putting it on, it being too big for him, made the over-sized clothing fall past his shoulder. When he fixed that his pants fell. It would be funny to him, if he didn't know that practice started in 30 minutes. Tobio ties a string to his waist to prevent the shirt jacket to fall. 'I really hate this'

When he finally makes it to the gym his pants were nearly falling while he was doing his best to stand straight.

"Pfft- I guess king stopped caring for his appearance" Tsukishima covers his mouth to stop himself from laughing too hard. All Kageyama could do was muster enough strength to weakly glare at him before falling to the ground unconscious.

"KAGEYAMA!" Hinata runs to him, "WHAT THE HELL?! WHAT DID YOU DO, TSUKISHIMA?" He grabs Tobio's head and leans it up to the ceiling while muttering some comforting words, "Don't die one me Bakeyama"

Kageyama slowly opens his eyes softly after a few moments, slowly regaining his consciousness. The first thing he thought was, 'What happened? Where am I?' When he looked around he got the jest of it. He noticed something propping his head up, so he leans forward to see, "......" His face was blank. " AHHHHHHHH" His head was on Hinata's crotch, keyword, 'was' He jumped off with a speed that could challenge Hinata's spikes.

He bows quickly, blushing from embarrassment, "G-Gomen!" He looks down, sometimes glancing at the middle blocker.

Hinata tilts his head, "Why's your uniform huge? It's like...Gah!" He replays doing some hand motions, completely ignoring the setter's apology.

He was about to respond with 'I don't know what you mean' but then everyone starts agreeing.

"Yeah, you look small, dude!" 'Tanka

"M-Mhm, d-did something happen...?" 'Yamaguchi'

"Is it uncomfortable?" 'Suga'

"W-Well....my f-" Kageyama coughs to cover his mess up, "My old uniform got ruined when I....practiced in the rain?" He smiles while rubbing the back of his neck knowing full well that it didn't rain.

"...Oh! You Bakeyama!" Hinata and the rest seemed convinced enough, all except a certain gray-haired third year.

Daichi walks over to him and puts his hand on Kageyama's shoulder, "After practice, we'll go get you another uniform at the front desk, that isn't gonna last you the entire day." He smiles in a dad way while giving a thumbs up.

Kageyama smiles softly and nods, "Okay!" With just that sentence alone that was spoken from the captain, Tobio didn't feel alone anymore....he felt better, nearly making him forget about what happened. Nearly.

Once the team finished changing and left, Kageyama quickly took his shirt off showing his chest that was wrapped in bandages. He didn't want anyone to see because, well, you know, and that he couldn't even stand to look at himself. He was hoping to get to the gym before anyone noticed he wasn't there, what he wasn't counting on was mid-way in changing, Suga walks out of the shadows.

"Kageyama, we need to talk."

Another chapter! Boom! *explosion* Haha! I hope you like it! I would really love some criticism, my self-love is too high. I'm kidding! Anyway! Do you think I should add description some abuse scenes with Kageyama's father? AND which ship do you prefer TsukiKage or Kagehina? Sorry that I posted so late! Until next time!

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