(2) I Was Sick?

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Hinata was waiting patiently, well, more like pacing at practice, tapping is knee in homeroom, and barely eating at lunch. Based on the things he still remembers from the bus ride home, Kageyama should be coming back the next day! 'Then he would ask what was wrong, then he wou-'He felt a hand being placed on his shoulder,

"Hinata, are you alright!?" Takana leaned over to make eye  contact with the redhead. Hinata smiled and averted his eyes,
"Yeah, I'm just thinking." He held his arm and put his finger to his mouth,

"You've got to give him credit, he never does!" Tsuki came around the corner with a snickering Yamaguchi, Hinata looked startled for second, then crossed his arm and frowned.

"Yes I do!" Tanaka was now snickering silently but felt there was something wrong, or missing, like something was off.

Once practice started, it's was like normal, except, there were no snarky remarks, no perfect spike, no 'to be' fights, except between Noya and Tanaka.

"Hinata!" He set up for the spike jumped.... then.... missed. As soon as he touched the ground he bowed,

"Sorry I missed that! I jumped a little to fast!" When he looked back up he saw Sugawara smiling and shaking his hand.

"No no! I understand! I don't serve like Kageyama-san!" Now Hinata was even more in thought. Chores don't hold you from school, or practice. So Kageyama must... be... on.... a vacation! He didn't want me to know because I would get jealous! It's so simple! After Volleyball I'll go over to his house and give he a piece of my mind!

The rest of practice went as usual, Suga served, Ditchi received, Tanaka spiked, Noya dived, and Hinata thought. Once it was over, the orange-haired grabbed his bag and a small stack of papers meant for Kageyama to get caught up, and went to the house. It took a while, but when he got to the house, it was oddly quiet. He walked up the steps and knocked on the door.

'Knock.' When nobody answered he knocked again. Finally after 3 minutes, the door opened halfway.

"Y-yes?" The boy holding the door had black hair, his deep blue eyes had bags under them, and was wearing a dark blue sweatshirt, stained with some sort of a dark liquid.

"Kageyama? What's wrong? Did your plane crash or something?" The black haired boy looked confused,

"What I-" he sighed, "What are you doing here?" Hinata made a note that only around one forth of the raven was getting shown, and even the dark sky made it hard to see that part.

"Well I brought your missed school work for the day!" The redhead smiled and tried to sneak a peak of the interior inside of the house. For some reason, for the many times Kageyama had been to his house, the latter had never been to the 'king's'.

"Thanks, well see you tomorrow! Bye." The door carefully closed and now Hinata was even more concerned.

"I'll just ask him tomorrow! Yeah! Good plan Hinata! Thanks Hinata!" While this quiet conversation was taking place, something or someone was watching from a distance.

The Next Day_________________

Hinata was by his best friends door by the time the clock struck 7:00, sure it was a little early, but that gives him more time to be filled in on why Kageyama wasn't at school.

1. He was sick, but then how did he predict his sickness? When I get sick I'm fine the first day, but the next day when I wake up, I fell like I was hit by a bus.

2. He was on a trip, but why now Why not wait until the weekend?

3. An appointment! That makes the most sense! He knew about it before hand!

The few moments waiting had given the redhead time to perfect the question, 'why weren't you at school yesterday?' Great!


He woke up with a groan, it took a few minutes to regain his fuzzy vision, once he was aware of his surroundings, which was the hallway, he made note that there was blood on the walls and the floor, which was most likely his.

Using the wall for support, he moved forward, step by shaking step closer to the shower.

After many painful enhances to the bathroom, he locked the door and stripped of his wet clothing, taking a glance in the mirror. Only seeing a bloody broken boy, a shell of what he used to be.

Stepping into the steamy shower was instant pleasure, the hot water washing the blotches of red from his body, keying in that some was coming from his head, 'that explains the extreme vertigo.'

With a towel around his wrist he made his way to his small room, feeling 100 times better. Throwing on his school uniform he takes the stack of finished work and runs to the door. Through the window he saw the orange fluff of unforgettable hair. 'Please don't ask, please don't ask.'

"Hi Bakayama!" Hinata stood straight up when he heard the creaking sound of the front door opening,

"Hey Dumbass," Both smiled for a second, then looking away blushing.

"Hey Kags, could you tell me where you were yesterday?" Damn it! It didn't go as well as he rehearsed!

"Umm." The hesitation was a dead give away that what was about to come out of the sweaty person I front of him would be a lie, "I-I was, er, sick! Yeah!" Wow, that was the worst.

"Please! You can trust me! Tell me! Was it the doctors? I'm dying of curiosity!" Hinata tried his puppy dog eyes that always worked on his mom. Kageyama sighed and looked dead into the oranges eyed teen,

"Not now sorry, I'm just not in the mood." Hinata frowned.

"When are you IN the mood?" He muttered. The rest of the 30 minute walk was about what Kageyama had missed,

"Tanaka-Senpi spiked the ball right into Noya-san's face! After that there was a lot of fighting! They said words I didn't even know existed!"

"There are a lot of things you don't know."


Once they got close to the gym, both took off running, seeing who could win the never ending race. Half way there, Kageyama felt a cut near his neck reopen, which caused him to wince and slowdown, meaning that Hinata won. 'Damn!'
"Oh Yamayma you're slow!" Kageyama slowly touched the wound felling blood make its way to his stomach,

"I-I'll be right back!" He limped to the club room and shut the door, thankfully he was the only one there. Taking off his red stained shirt, he wiped the blood trail with a spare piece of paper and bandaged once again the aching pain. Putting on a shirt he found in the bottom of the bag he opened the door, seeing Hinata.

"Why? Why did you just do that?"

"Do what?" Hinata was mad,

"Did you lose on purpose?"

"No. ..?" Yes. Both winced at how weak the response was,

"O...k? Let's go practice!" The double doors opened and the duel ran (or quickly limped) to grab a ball.

"You set, I'll spike!" Both stretched as quickly as they could, Kageyama made sure to make the spots in which not to touch when moving. Both went to their positions and did their thing.I

4minutes later Daichi came in, surprising the both of them.

"Hello and good morning, Kageyama, I want to speak with you." The raven haired boy anxiously advanced to the captain.

"Sir." Daichi smiled softly,

"Why weren't you here yesterday?" Kageyama looked to the floor,

"I-I was sick," The captain was not convinced at all. Raising an eyebrow, he decided not to push the matter any farther. Kageyama will open up when he wants.

"Ok, remember, I'm here if you need anything, ok?" The setter rubbed his arm gently and smiled,

"Thank you."

Long time no see! *Laughs Maniacally* It's partly my fault, but how are you doing? How do you like it? I am currently working on a one shot book at the moment... so yeah! Until next time
(1375 including this sentence)

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